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Dear My Top Tier Patrons and The Noble Sponsors,

Let me be direct : What do you guys think if I make Roxxi a Futanari? She appears tomboy, but when you open her zip, she is actually a Futanari. And tell me, do you like to see bigger bicep or abs of her? I mean, I'm talking about the most batshit member of the astra militarum who should look like Rambo (You know the Sly Marbo). This girl should be tough as nail.

I really need your feedback and you can contact me directly through comment/PM/discord to discuss this. 

Today, I've been making more detail workplan on the upcoming update. Here's the gameplay plan of our dating simulation feature :

You can call her by phone.

This option will result in 3 dialogue options. There will be 3 main topics that you can discuss with her over the phone. And each topic, there will be 3 version responses from Roxxi. In this activity, I'll go deeper to put some story that related to the lore. And I need your help to tell me if you think my story is not lore-friendly or perhaps send me useful youtube links about her. Any info of her would be useful to enrich the dialogue.

Gift (Items)

There will be items that you can buy from Styx that's gonna be used specifically as gifts for her. These items will be : Knife, food, armor, catachan flower, or jewelry (I'm not really sure about what kind of 40K jewelry that fit into this plot though).

Each of these items has different impact on Roxxi. In a nutshell, If she likes your gift, the relationship bar with her will increase.

Each time you call her and give her gift, your relationship with her will go deeper which will be shown in a bar that appears on the screen. When you fill the bar, you will unlock "Ask her out on a date" option.

Ask her out on a date

This option will result dating scenes. You can ask her to go out on a date. There will be 3 places that you can choose:

1. Bar - Will lead into oral sex in the bathroom.

2. Library Headquarters - Will lead into sex in the Inquisitor 's Office at night.

3. Landingpad - Will lead into sex inside Heidi's Apartment.

There will be 3 kind of LEWD scenes from the above scenes :

1. Oral sex scene

2. Heidi X Roxxi futa scene

3. Roxxi futa X Heidi with prosthetic dick (Don't forget to buy it from Styx).

Next week, I'll post my futuristic prosthetic-dick design. So stay tuned for more updates.






Go for a real futa design, make sure she has a vagina as well, otherwise you just made her transgender/shemale/dickgirl.


And hell yes give her more muscle, she's Catachan! Just don't maker her non feminine


That's a hell no from me. For two reasons. 1) Futa isn't something I like and 2) that would be a mutation and thus she would have been exterminated from the gene pool at birth...you know, because the imperium doesnt like mutations.


That would be a no and a no for me. I'm personally not against Futa (as long as they have a dick and pussy with no balls in sight) but I'm not into musclegirls at all. That being said, Futa seems like a Slaanesh thing to me, not something you slap on someone just because they are a tomboy. And having muscles much bigger than what is in the picture on a female doesn't happen in 40K art. Maybe on a Servant of Khorne? Basically what I'm saying is save the more extreme physical changes for Chaos worshipers. Musclegirls (and guys) for Khorne, Big T&A and dicks, tentacles, and crab-claws for Slaanesh, HUGE T&A for Nurgle, and all sorts of weird stuff for Tzeentch.


I’d say if you came up with some kinda explanation as to why like she was a dude but got corrupted by chaos or something so she looks like a muscle girl but is actually a dude but I do agree with Deamonmaster haveing futa for futa sake that isn’t a Deamon of slaanesh would be odd to me


Beep Boop the machine is pleased


Agree. Will only make her more muscular than the average women of the Imperium. Though I wonder if she should be more muscular than other warrior females of the imperium (Adepta sororitas for example)


I think we will stick to the original idea that this catachan woman does not have any oddities or mutation. We'll save the futa thing for Demons or mutated chaos cultist/worshipper


I enjoy Futa, though I won't be particularly sad if she isn't. That said - "And tell me, do you like to see bigger bicep or abs of her?" Yes. Hell yes. Hell effin' yes. Catachan is a hell world, and the soldiers there should be hellishly ripped.


I could see if it's not too much work having it be a toggle option for futa vs female or just female since that's more popular and would make more sense lore wise.