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Hey again everyone,

Today we're going to take a look at the art of several items that are still missing in the last current build. My plan is to allocate the first week to make some important items that relate to the mainstory for better visualization.

Badge of Undercity Gang.

Do you remember the time when Heidi investigates the missing daughter's room? There are 3 items that will be the clue to progress the main story. The most important item is actually this undercity gang batch, which she will show to the Governor and then, she'll get the access to the undercity from him. So, well.. this is my design. 

The Datapad (Encrypted & Decrypted)

As I restructured the whole story, I've added a little bit story in the middle of when Heidi tracking the genesteler hideout in undercity. I want the player to feel closer to a secret agent investigation plus a bit taste of 'high tech' device (I'm not sure the datapad still considered a high tech device to be honest XD But if you give it green color and blurry writtings, it feels somewhat 'sophisticated'...). So I make this encrypted data pad that you can buy from Vugnog, but you have to bring this to Styx the Broken to decrypt this. I hope this cool enough for you.... XD

The secret lab key This key was found when Heidi rescued 2 naked girls from the genestealer hideout. One of them managed to steal and hide key while being kept naked in the hideout (I leave it to your imagination about where she hides the key.)  Thanks to her, now Heidi can get back to the hideout and finally found the missing daughter.

And last, stay tuned! Because next week, I'll give y'all updates on my design of dick prosthesis that (THANKS TO STYX) can be attached to the spine so you can feel the sensation like you have a real biological dick. And, interestingly.. it is even easier to control when to get hard/soft than the real one. XD



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