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Hey Guys,

We received some of your feedbacks about this game. And we'll begin to address every issues and make this game better.

First, we decided that we won't add another mini games in the future and we'll be focusing on finishing all stories that we've started before. We think it's better this way, so you guys know what to expect in the upcoming months' update.

Second, As for now, we'll be focusing on fixing our grammar /spelling error in V 0.25 build (with the help of our wonderful patrons in discord), and fixing all those annoying bugs, so you guys can enjoy this game better.

And here are some plans for this month's update...

Story (100% complete)

1. We won't add new NPC in this version and we'll continue the main story of the missing Governor's daughter. There will be 3 branching storylines that Heidi has to decide in this update and 1 additional combat. I can't tell you more or else, I'll spoil everything. But, for those of you who don't mind reading spoiler can read the complete story plan for V 0.26 here.

2. We've established the plan of the whole main story of Inquisitor Trainer. From now on the continuation of futures update will use this plan as the guideline. For those of you who's interested and doesn't mind reading spoiler, may click here.

3. We make a polling post for our $10 patrons to decide which side story that you'd like us to finish first. So far we have Lionel Johnson story for those of you who want to see Heidi doing naughty straight scene, Roxxy story for all tomboy fans out there, or Miria the sexy priestess for those who love to see another lesbian's scenes (I know we have too many  L scenes already, but well... who knows you guys still want more of this, right?). Please vote here. 

Art (70% Completion)
I've finished
1. Making a placeholder drawing using in-game art for the main-screen of the V.26 build. You may click here to see the post.
2. Animation of Heidi cleaning Vugnog's bar. You may click here to see the post.
3. The librarian in the dark library (replacing placeholder character). You may click here to see the post.
4. NSFW Scene #1 (Spoiler Alert) for V 0.26, that you may click here to see the post.
5. NSFW scene #2 (Spoiler Alert) for V 0.26. that you may click here to see the post.
6. NSFW scene #3 (Spoiler Alert) for V 0.26. that you may click here to see the post.
My plan is also to have another 2 additional background scenes.

Bugs Fixing and Grammar Check (100% Complete)
We'll take notes on all reported bugs in discord and give you guys the report status in excell spreadsheet (So far we have 9 reported bugs). As for the grammar/spelling error, we've been relying on commonfolk123 doc files. There are 4 files that have been given as the revision on our latest build.

We're gonna make weekly post to give our patrons patch files of the finish revisions on grammar and bugs that can be fixed during that week. In that post, we'll explain step by step on how to put those patch files into the game folder (for PC version). Please click here to see the most update patch post for all bugs in V 0.25b

Coding (20%)
There won't be any complicated code in this update build, BUT we'll begin to make a better structure of the whole game. In the future we hope you guys can play your save game from the previous build. But really no promise on this. We'll try to figure out things that we can do best on this issue.

Anyway for new patrons, I've put the links below. And I also just uploaded the cheat build and walktrough, so don't forget that if you are in the appropirate tier.

Free Demo Build LINK !

NSFW Patron's Build V 0.25 LINK!

NSFW unlimited money build and Walkthrough are HERE!

So, that's it... Gonna go back to work.  Cheers,




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