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Hi guys! 

The October update is now available (version 0.23) and the new additions in this content ARE:

1. The continuation of the main storyline "Trouble in the Undercity" Which focused around the Alien Creeper Cultist, and the disappearance of the Governor's daughter.

2. The additional side story with a lewd scene which features Last month's polling result
-->Tomboy Jungle fighter. She can be found in the bar during the night (sometimes) her appearance is randomized, which means she will not be there everytime you enter the bar. If she is not there, then you might wan't to try to visit the bar again.

3. NEW main UI for the text box dialogue, main mao, main interface, and the Inventory screen.

4. A LEWD minigame - We added a sexy minigame which can be activated by clicking on the 'crowd' in the streets of the undercity, this minigame gives you the option to jump to the darkalley without having to wait until the next day for the crowd to disperse (assuming that you win the minigame).

Next month we will have even more update by adding sexyness to the combat system and for the first time we will introduce a major character of the 40k universe (in full parody)

Thank you for your patience throughout the duration of  this month, and for your support so far, we love you all!





Paulus Domitius

Smiling Lady Inquisitor is so pretty. Lucky you that she is smiling...


Major 40k character? Here's hoping that Saint Celestine randomly materializes somewhere


what are the chances on the jungle fighter? I've gone through about 10 days and haven't seen her.


Can I use a current save or it has to be new?


Hello. Unfortunately your old save file won’t work in most of our upcoming update build, because we keep making changes on previous story. But, we do have checkpoints where players can skip days (so you won’t have to redo all the story) and unlimited amount of money and skillls, so u won’t have to do more grinding. That checkpoints is available in the beginning of the game right after u choose to start the game. Hope this helps.


why can money go negative from getting mugged, completely fucked my first playthrough


That’s a bug. We’re gonna fix this asap for this end of month build update. Thanks and sorry for this.