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Hello everyone! Now that we have released version 0.22, it is time to announce to our patrons about what we are planning to do this month. (Which the full content will be available at the end of October as version 0.23)

1. On the next few days, we will be fixing the bugs and errors of version 0.22 (grammars included) AND the overlapping texts of the UI on the Android build.  

2. Our main focus will be on expanding the main storyline which at the end of 0.22 was left hanging after the introduction of the Creeper Cultists. This includes additional characters that is fundamentally related to the cult (Magus or Patriarch or both) and of course a Lewd scene for the story.

3. The additional side story with a lewd scene which features Last month's polling result (safe to assume that this will be the Tomboy Catachan fighter)

4. We will do some UI reskin to make it more 40k ish than what we now this includes current placeholder inventory UI

5. More facial expressions for the main character and the NPCs.

6. Tuning and balancing the combat system, money, and items’ cost. I know that the grinding was annoying for some, and we’ll try to make it better. The cheat for money and skills will also be provided for those of you who only want to enjoy the story and the art.

7. A LEWD minigame - I mean what can be more interesting than a lewd minigame inside of a lewd video game. 

These updates will be added incrementally in our weekly mini updates starting next week, until the end of this month. 

And for the coding study plan, since we are still new to this, so for this month, we will learn how to code to make more complex combat system. Something like adding level/magic/party combat. But I can’t promise you that it can also be implemented in this month as we are prioritizing to make the main story better on the top of everything else. We’ll give u updates as we go.






Yo dawg! I heard you like lewd games! So I set up this lewd game in your lewd game, so you can lewd while you lewd!

Blue Cabaret

Good afternoon. As an unrepentant sexual deviant, my main question is what is the present status of BDSM type content in the game? I saw it on the list of planned kinks, but my question is. 1. To what extent is it present in the game already? 2. How much overall content in that genre is expected over the development lifespan?

Nick Snow

wheres the male protag?


1. Presently we have 2 BDSM scenes with a dominatrix dark elven female character. 2. The overall content of that genre will be quite a lot, because the nature of the background story will only allow little room for vanilla genre.


Sadly there will be no male protag in this first chapter of the game. We will only have male NPCs for relationships.


Will the scene at the end of the month be guy on girl or girl on girl?


Beep Boop I am biding my time until the game is finished before I play it