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Hey all! I wanted to make a post updating you on how my progress is going with learning blender. If you didn't already know, Blender is a very powerful 3d program, far more advanced than SFM (what I've been using), and as such is also a lot more to learn 😅

Over the past few weeks I've been focused on learning the basics, and also trying to piece together a naked Ghost model. By focusing on just one character I'm able to get into more nitty gritty details of the program, but I do intend to eventually bring in other characters n stuff. 

Learning Blender is very time consuming (literally spent like 7 hours straight yesterday just trying to attach Ghost's head to the body and I still haven't figured out weight painting for the rig), and I'm trying to balance this process with my animation output. 

If it comes to be that I don't have an animation prepared for an incoming month, I will announce it loudly here before the first so people can decide if they are willing to stay subscribed for a month with no new animation or not. As of now, I have the GhostSoap Mission-ary sex one completed and ready! So August 1st is good to go. 

The plan for now is to continue animating in SFM, and try my best to start doing renders in Blender. This means that the renders might be a bit more simplistic in content than my usual stuff, because I need to work up my asset library and skills in the program. BUT the quality of the renders should look much more tasty, as you can see in the samples above. The texture of skin and the details of scarring I'm able to achieve is far above what SFM is capable of! And that's just one small area that Blender excels over SFM in. 

This is probably going to be a long transitionary period for my content, and I'm excited to finally be doing this! Even if it's incredibly frustrating sometimes lol. Hopefully some day in the future I'll be able to make Blender animations as well, WITH REAL LIQUID CUM!! AND BELLY BULGE!! wahhooooooo~

Thank you for supporting my work and my growth as a 3d render artist ^_^




You rock!

Matthew Schroeder

Your work is beautiful and fantastic! Always worth the wait. Take all the time you need to create your art. We love and support you always! 😊😊

Thomas Polk

Do you have a teacher or an online guide or is this self taught?


Mostly just watching a lot of YouTube tutorials and trial & error 😂