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In game, Geralt's toxic skin doesn't cover his whole body... So I took it upon myself to edit my own materials! 

Also black sploosh? Yeah. Gotta get them toxins out somehow...




Heck 👏yes👏!!! Holy shit he's hot as hell!! 😍😍😍

Ian Thomas

♥️AMAZING WORK ♥️😏 sure wouldn't mind being his detoxer🤣... also why do I imagine he would either 🤔 tastes like 😋 maple syrup or black licorice 😨


Aw man I hope it's not black licorice lmao. I'd imagine like a sweet sassafras flavor 😋 Glad you like it tho!

bay • larrysh0me

post hunt jerk off sesh? hell yeah 🥵🥵🥵🥵


Jerk off sesh orrrr maybe he finds a willing hole to fill 😏 a fellow witcher? A bard? Who knowwwwws~ maybe he'd just rut against a pillow lol