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Hey y'all! Big news! After thinking about it for a few weeks now I've decided to boil down my tiers to just one $4 bracket that will have access to ALL of my content, WIPs included! 

What this means immediately: I am going to be adding the WIP benefit to the current $4 tier! I will also be unpublishing the $2 and $6 tiers so no new folk can join them.

  • These tiers will still receive their benefits until the end of August.
  • Those in the $4 tier can enjoy all the WIPs to come without needing to make any changes to your sub! 

What this means for next month: I am going to be removing the benefits for the $2 and $6 tiers on August 31

  • Those currently in these tiers are encouraged to switch to the $4 tier before the 1st of September so you don't get charged for no benefits next month.
  • If you switch now from $2 to $4 you will be charged the 2 dollar difference and will immediately be able to enjoy the WIPs benefit!
  • If you are switching from $6 to $4, there is unfortunately no refund of the extra two bucks... but now you'll be saving that 2 bucks every month going forward.
  • If you are still in one of these tiers by September 1st, you will still be charged! So please don't forget to make the switch that is right for you before then! 

I understand that not everyone will be able to make this change with me and will have to unsubscribe :( But I still love you and I appreciate your support up to this point. ♥ 

The reason I am making this change is because I felt there were not enough rewards to warrant three separate tiers. The polls benefit in the $4 tier just wasn't enough because I don't post polls very much. My hope is that the four dollars a month for full access model will benefit those in the current $2 tier as they'll be getting a lot more benefits for only 2 extra bucks, and those in the current $6 tier will receive all the same benefits but for a little less!

I will be sending reminder messages about this transition throughout the month, and reaching out individually to those still in unpublished tiers before the final switch on August 31st. 

Thank you all for your support! I hope you will continue to stick with me!



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