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Figured I quickly touch base with everyone and give a update on whats goin on.

IRL Problems keep rearing their ugly head in as I got to be the Uber driver for EVERYONE in the Household lately. Landlord got a DUI lol, so its been a rough few weeks. On the plus side my sleep schedual is starting to get back on track.

But enough of IRL News what about Kuroinu? Welp the Claudia fortress event is ALMOST done Im trying to get the big encounter done with Graves, Klaus and Claudia while playtesting all the evens and such so things move buttery smooth and work. Yes this is one of those situations where you class dose play a factor abit (its minor but I want to make your class you chose to shine a little)
Something I'll admit given how you got MOST of the ladies at this point its pushing Protag-kun less and less relatvant especally when trying to give everyone somekind of role and voice so they stay relavant, This is primarily a challenge with Kaguya and Lulu because well....Kaguya is Stoic and Silent AF and Lulu is Chaos incarnate, Hell Chloe is getting less screen time because of this as well lol. Its the challenge of bringing agency to ALL characters and trying to keep the player Relavant to the story as well is a little tricky. This has been especally true with Claudia and Graves because this whole event is VERY personal for Claudia and such.
I should be able to get this even done within the week or so its just ALOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT of Typeing and Playtesting every choice n such.

After Claudias event I got to fill out more of Ken for more exploration and such. As well as adding more exploration in Rad. As well as do the Adamantoise Boss fight (Expect a Spirte for that soon)

But the next Major event is going to be Retaking Halem and opening up the rest of the world and making sure events you did towards the start of the game play a big role now.

I know alot of peeps want me to get to the John Mandevil and Mordello brothers side quest stuff but their was a higher demand to Get to Celestine n such, Plus plus this project has gone on WAY TO DAMN LONG so Im working to AT LEAST get a beginning middle and end to the game so I can stop with these "Yearly" updates I mean this project is almost 10 years old at this point. Once I get to the End Game n such I wont be throwing my entire Weight into the project like im doin now (Still not dropping it), I'll still be updating the game n such I just wont have to stress myself out on getting stuff done by X of the year and instead just update the game when a Core Section is done, which is more or less all the Side content and H Scenes.

Regaurdless its still a large and lengthy to do list thats going to take a long while to do, but by finishing the game, the MAJORITY of you patrons who have been supporting the game wont feel obligated every year to keep supporting a project thats taking to long to finish, so you don't feel like you being jerked around n such. I understand that feeling, especally to my LONG TIME patrons who have been in this ring sense the start, Im pretty sure your feelin the Fatiuge at this point as much as I am.

So what will I be doin after Rebellion when the Core stuff is done? Im goin to be working more so on my Original Projects, I've been trickleing down small hints and such on my original stuff and Finally will get to that obligation of getting a Weekly/monthly Manga page for the 2 Major Projects, Plus BECAUSE ITS ORIGINAL STUFF I can make actual merch of it AND send you guys that stuff in the mail. But this is probably 2 years down the road to it'll be awhile.

But yeah Goal for next year: Finish the Main Story of Kuroinu Rebellion 



Thank you for all that you've have done. I think your update progress has been great so far, so please don't fret.


Its more that this project has taken alot of time and effort, to the point im suprised this series is still relavant. What was suppose to be a 4 year Project Devolved into a 10+ year Project. I feel stunted and unable to grow with everything be thrown into a single fangame. I'm just being hopeful of the Future and remaining motivated now that I'll be able to stretch my wings out and give you guys MORE then just Kuroinu >w<


Do what you gotta do Seth. With how much you've been busting your ass on this, I'm sure it'll be all worth it. Just make sure to take care of yourself in the meantime... especially after the shitstorm called Hurricane Idalia. BTW, definitely going to be looking forward to the update and your other projects.


The Hurricane was nothing lol It was just a Tuesday afternoon for us XD Im taking better care of myself, Getting my Sleep Problems back on track, Exersizing and working out, eating better supliments (Tumeric is one hell of a Super Vitamin). Now I just got to fix my Attention problem and focus better. I'll send out a news letter on what these future projects are n such but I have been posting stuff on em every now and then on patreon and such im sure ya saw a few floatin around >w>