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As many of you dont know as I've been neglecting keeping everyone in the loop

I took a 'Psuedo Mini vacation" To go vist my Family from out of Town. Its been too long sense I got to spend time with my Dad, Brother, Sister from Another Mister and my Nephew (For context I havent seen them in 3 years).

The Original Plan while up there sense I didnt have any commissions to do at the time was to work on rebellion....however my Fathers place kinda got a downgrade, he no longer had the desktop he normally used and instead everyone used Laptops....Laptops that cant run Steam or RPG Maker -.-;....

I barely got my Dads Laptop to Run Clip studio so at the least I could draw stuff hence why I made those pics, but I couldnt really work on Rebellion for those 2 weeks and that made me quite mad :(

However that dosent mean when I got back I havent been working on it so heres a quicky update hopefully I can give better Results come May.

Kaguyas Fortress has been Expanded out quite abit adding more explorable areas and such as a Common complaint I've been getting has been the latest areas have been to 'Video gamey' and too 'Desolant' So I made it a Priority to Expand on those areas.

However given that the Timeframe for the next update has been getting shorter and shorter (Hell Summer is right around the Corner) Im going to do what I Promised first and get Claudia's events done now before really working on her fortress as well as FINALLY work on the Admantoise side quest. The Layout for her Fortress is practically done I just need to add Events, Graphics, NPC's and Encounters as well as Get Graves 2 Boss Sprites in.

IF things go well and I dont get bogged down with commissions or IRL BS shows up I should get the majority of this done by May and get a update Release for June. However I'll leave a poll avalable to ask which would you guys want a Quick June update or Delay it til the usual Fall Release so things are more complete and filled in.

And Yes I am ABSOLUTELY MAD AT MYSELF that Sense January I've been Bogged with Commissions because need money to live and IRL Bullcrap got in the way such as Taxes, Medical Bills, Rent issues ect giving Game Dev for Kuroinu Rebellion no work until ligit end of March TT_TT. But stuff happens and I gatta do what I gatta do to Survive so I Hope you guys can forgive me on that TT_TT


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