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Happy Decemeber everyone and to my American Patrons Hope everyone had a fantastic thanksgiving and enjoyed their time with food comfort and family. 

So November was pretty quite what the hecky have I been doin?

Welp I was waiting for a full comprehensive list for ALL The Bug in Kuroinu Rebellion and all the Errors, Turns out their was quite abit My Bad :(
Alot happened when I lost power and 9 hours of work that 1 time heck its the very reason why the Maya Date scene isnt in the game. Im pretty sure you've had those situations you put in 9 hours of hard work an entires days worth only for ALL THAT WORK to be undone in 1 moment. Its very demoralizing and when you try to pick the peices up you forget what goes where

I need to give a Special Shoutout to 'Anotherchance' for giving a comprehensive list on All the Bugs and hiccups I made.

yeah 3.1 was a Messy Release and I am sorry :(

Moonblack has gone the extra mile and made sure all the errors FOR THE MOST PART have been fixed. I'll do another patch up this month if any more arrive

Remember to DL The Latest update which is Ver 3.2 https://www.patreon.com/posts/74663605

So what is Sethy doin in the meantime?
Well Fulfiling the Christmas List that you lovely Patrons have Requested for Christmas, And YEAH THEIRS ALOT O_o; but its my way of saying Thank you for all your support all Year and I hope you'll continue to give that support.

If you want to follow both the progress of Kuroinu Rebellion or Just want to watch some 'Spicy' pics being made for Kuroinu or other stuff OR just want to hang out and chat.
Please join in because a lot of you guys think I dont do enough work or barely work at all and I want to proove I AM WORKIN DANG IT!!
Plus if you want, I have both my Art Teacher Saint, My Student Menwar, and A Generous Patron whos basically responsable for MOST of the H Scenes in Kuroinu Tobi usually playin some games in the background

Also yes your eyes DO NOT decieve you, I plan on releasing another update for Kuroinu in Summer of Next Year, which means Kuroinu gets 2 updates next year (Were almost finished with the 'Main' Game) Largely because I felt the Kaguya Update was very short and very unfulfilling its kinda what happens when you thwart the BBEG's master plan and all and it begins to loose steam. So the next Update will cover Claudias events, more exploration for Thorn and build up for the Final Chapter which is Celestine and the Final Showdown with Kuro and Vult. 

But you should know progress has usually been incredibly slow and thats largely because well....I dont make enough on Patreon to survive off of, heck If things continue this bad I'll have to go back to a Day job of some kind which will make work take longer. Which is why I take butt tons of Commissions in order to off set the Ammount, While I enjoy commissions Im not a fan on it delaying Kuroinus Development. But theres 2 ways to increase the progress, 1 Obviously more patrons but Alternatively if ordering a Commission order something for Kuroinu, You'd get a nice discount and it'll both help me survive longer and progress kuroinu's development which means more H Scenes for you guys, more special events more date scenes ect ect. Its a Win across the board.

Until then Its back to work I got alot of pics for Christmas Expect a Mass Posting Around Decemeber 22nd!~



Take as much time as you need dude. I'm sure it'll all be worth it. That and you can bet I have a list of commissions ready for ya once they're open again, so keep a sharp eye out. Also, I was planning on sending you a list of all the bugs I found... but then my job got a helluvalot busier and ended up eating up more time than I thought. Good thing Moonblack and Anotherchance stepped up, those guys and Tobi are real troopers.