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I know alot of you guys dont keep up with the goings on me Discord and all or even pop into my streams but over the past 4 months or so After Covid, I've been having frequent and Chronic muscle twitching all over my arms, legs, waist, chest and even neck and jaws. Imagine every 30 seconds a invisable ghost hand was poking you.
Recently it got upgraded to full blown involuentary muscle movements its mostly small stuff like my fingers legs or arms moving in a direction i dont want them to go in.

As usual when something goes on for a few months you google it.....and what I googled scared the absolute crap out of me. The first thing that poped up was ALS. For those who dont know ALS was what Steven Hawking had, IT IS FATAL and 99% of people Die from it within 2-5 years....Imagine becoming totally and completely Paralized VERY VERY slowly because your Muscle Neurons were commiting Seppuku. Also ALS was what the 'Ice bucket Challenge' was all about a few years ago.

So At the end of March I taked to my usual doctor and he gave me some meds for it to go away, it did not work at all and I think made it worse. I ditched him and spent April and May looking for SOME kind of new doctor to AT LEAST run some tests to see whats up. I had almost given up but LUCKLY I got a new Doc from out of City to AT LEAST begin running Tests, Was about to give up and go to the ER (That would have been a uber oof) So over the next few months I'll be getting Tests done to see what my issue is and if its getting better or worse. Plus ALS is VERY VERY VERY VERY often Misdignosted with like 50 other deseases because of how similar they are.

Best Case Scenario its just going to be a Annoyance for the next few years OR something to live with for the rest of my life.

My Granny and one of my DnD Friends who works as a Paramedic thinks it could be Neuropathy and I THINK that maybe it.

Just Wish me luck over the next few months and hopefully this is a whole lot of nothing.

BTW if you have not done the ice bucket challenge I do reccomend you do it, Its for a Extremely good cause, for PROBABLY ONE OF THE SCARIEST AS HELL DESEASES ON EARTH O_o;. 


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