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Yup my Results came in last night, I tested positive for Covid so yeah that last week I was sick it was Covid alright.

Im pretty good now just some resoidual coughing every now and then, no Fever, no Chills, no nothing so I should be good

going to get retested Thurs to see if its out of my System mostly as a confirmation to say 'your Covid clear Lockdown is lifted'

It wasnt that bad TBH I ligit thought it was a Cold or Flu...BUT THEN AGAIN it was probably the Omicron Varrent AND I was Vaxed so...



Damn. Well, we'll pray for a swift recovery for you.


Im pretty much 100% good, I just dont know if Im still Contagious or not, so still on Code: Black Lockdown Protocall


Oof. Hope the rest of your recovery goes well. If it makes you feel any better, I unfortunately caught the C-Virus as well last week. I'm over the worst of it now, but man was it an uncomfortable experience, especially with my body kind of cycling through symptoms at random. Also, word of caution, if it's the Omnicron variant you got, be prepared for a nigh-unkillable headache near the end of quarantine.


Ive gotten some headaches every now and then but nothing serious. Im over the worst of it as well. My Symptoms were pretty easy to manage, Day 1-2 Fever, Chills, Sore throat, Day 3-4 Sore throat stuffy nose stomach issues, Day 5-6 Coughing still sore throat and messed up sense of taste, Day 8-Now Tickle coughs