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Kinda need to jump more into my real project and sense I cant really do any artwork for it right now, Outside of commissions and you awesome peeps requesting them, I figured I could write down some lore about the Terra universe in order to possibly gain more intrest in it but also keep notes on it as well.
So lets start things off with a Bang....Literally as this was the First Extinction event in Terra's history. Plus who dosen't like Dragons? They're big, imposing, powerful, perfect final boss material for any video games. Why is that? Simple they were the first Beings made by the Gods of Terra and represented the Peak of power.

Roll Lore Entry:
".....After Thades, God of Darknessn and Celestine, Goddess of Light, became united and the last of the Gods were to awaken, the creation of Terra was finally finished, The lands and oceans were divided evenly, a sky was formed so the Sun and Moon may dance across it, and the Earth was seeded with Sauria's bountiful nature with Storms and Seasons to keep it in check. Everything was perfect, However maintaining it was abit of a hassel and their was so much of the Void left barren and empty. So the Gods came up with an idea to well create successors, Beings of equal power who could also shape the void. Each of the Gods spent painful years sculpting and creating their new beings using the Void itself as its catalyist, the same thing they used to make terra itself only this time it would be givin the breath of life by Sauria, Goddess of Nature, these beings were given the name 'Dragons' meaning 'All Powerful' or 'All Mighty'. The creation of the Dragons was a massive success and soon the Dragons covered almost all of Terra, however they acted like unruly unkempt children as they'd constantly make maintaining Terra extremly difficult for the Gods, but even worse due to the Dragons all being made by seperate Gods, this meant that all of them had diffrent ideas on how things be run which lead to conflict and rivalry between the various Dragons. It eventually reached a boiling point and Dragons of the various clans began fighting and killing one another as each believed their view on Terra was the correct one. The Gods could do very little to stop the Conflict as they were busy trying to prevent Terra from falling apart over the sheer magnatude of the 'Dragon War'. The Conflict got worse over the many years til eventually their were barely any Dragons remaining, Only a handful of Dragons still remained to few to repopulate and Terra was badly damaged and scared by the Conflict. The Gods named the purging of the Dragons as a 'Extinction' and Proclaimed the Dragons as Unworthy to succeed the Gods and make new worlds. The few surviving Dragons ashamed on what happened made a forever binding Vow to the Gods to assist them in rebuilding Terra and Maintaining the world.

So you maybe asking, "Do Dragons still exist on Terra", and they certainly do, however the chances of encountering one even in Elven lifetimes is extremely Rare. Dragons due to their Shame do not enjoy being seen by others and prefer to maintain the world in the background out of site and out of mind. Scholars have guessed that less then 50 Dragons remain in Terra and have only had a few brief moments to procreate. Often times its suggested that in areas where theirs high concentration of Elemental Forces at play means that either a Dragon was their Recently or is Currently there. Dragons are often viewed in Modern times as Legendary Beings almost Demi-God like, heck some Towns have worshiped Dragons as Gods, forming Dragon Cults. Dragons are MOSTLY harmless to the various people of Terra as they tend to work unoticed but on Rare occasion a Dragon may accidently destroy a town or end lives mostly due to Dragons not 'seeing' us, much like how we don't tend to see the small insects in life. Contrary to popular beliefs all Dragons do not appear as large reptilian creatures with large wings, scales, and breath fire, (This was apperently a Popular story with the Dragon Fafnir who made multiple apperences in many tales) Some appear as large Serpents, others appear as multiheaded beings, some appear as insanely large birdlike beings, and some appear as massive mountain ranged horned beings. Their apperences vary wildly between Dragon type to Dragon type. Dragons at one point were hunted down due to their body parts and even blood giving off so much magical energies it made for the perfect materials for powerful weapons and even energy sources. However hunting for Live dragons became forbbiden by the High Elf Council in the Modern era, and while not as powerful as fresh dragons, Dragon bones and Crude Blood still hold large ammounts of power but are very difficult to aquire as they are burried in the deepest core of Terra.

Current Records have listed a few known Dragons.
Bahemoth the Great Mountain Dragon, Jormangander the Ocean Serpent, Fafnir the Magma Lizard, Kulva Darado the Dragon of Beauty, Koryu the Storm Dragon, Garuda the great golden dragon, Abaddon the Great Maw Dragon, Niddhog the Tree Biter, Qetzulcotal the Sky Dragon, Tarrasque the Sleeping One, Velkenhime the Glacial Dragon, Bahamut the Dragon King, and Tiamat of the Many Faced Dragon."

I hope you enjoyed this Lore Entry to Terra. If you want me to do more feel free to let me know, and maybe I'll do a mural pic of the lore entry ontop of it.



So they are physically embodiments of nature cool😃. I have a question does your world operate on the same way as Lord of the Rings that is to say the world's slowly winds down as time goes on. That is to say things become more ordinary and less magical like a tea pot cooling off?


Nope it consistantly is magical stuff dose not wind down, it is the 1st world after all. Its not like Our world or Tolkens world where things become more ordinary. The only factor in everything is how you yourself would want things to be magical do you go completely nuts with it or play on hard mode anf gain mad respect. I'll make a lore entry about magic and how it works later


I love the lore you created. I can’t wait for more lore. I have this feeling there going be someone who want to use the dragon to recreate the world or hunt them down to make powerful weapons to use to make the most powerful army. For Dragon Cults I have this feeling they want to second a second Dragon War to make the Dragons the true gods.