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You voted for Sethy's Harem and here they are

We got Aisha, Maria, Clair, and Selene

I wish everyone a Good new Year and looking forward to 2022

2021 was alright better then 2020 by a HUGE LONG SHOT, so Im hopeful 2022 will be better hopefully




2021 was better than 2020 that's debatable but I'll just take your word for it I don't want to argue.


I'd say 2021 was okay overall. Definitely wasn't as bad as 2020 (Which, let's be honest was pure chaos), but I can safely say we ended this one on a high-note. Here's hoping 2022 is even better. Happy New Years!


Well at least for me it was, 2020 was terrible because we had that god awful elections, my mother died, and the pandemic started