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And it is done!!~~

Alright when you guys get done playing let me know if you find any bugs errors or hiccups before hand, I'll be releasing this more widely as the weeks go on but yeah


Also the Winrar file contains the Images not in the game thus far



The update is awesome as is the battle for Rad. The only complain I have are the demonic hornets which I think are too strong and there are too many in one battle. Six hornets is a lot for one battle so maybe take a couple off and also take off either stun or paralysis off because if one party member has both, then that is not really fair. And when paired with a cultist, it makes the battle even more unfair with that Vanity spell in hand. I had to experience all my party members confused, stunned, or asleep and they nearly died. And they are evaded easily by attacks, including melee fighters so maybe change the percentage of being attacked to be greater. Olga's meteor spell also is not working properly in that it only targets one opponent instead of all like it says in the description. Also Clear Eyes has the same description as Clear Voice.


Must have been having some pretty friggen bad luck if that kept happening to ya, Stun Needle has a 15% stun and a 5% paralyze rate. Also theirs kinda meant to be alot I mean they unleashed the insects into Rad after all. And yeah the Cultists are MEANT to be annoying remember vult and his goons are getting desperate. Woops forgot to change the meteor spell, also holy crap ya got the meteor spell already!? I guess that means I need to decrease the XP and Gold rate even further, And thanks for mentioning the typo on the skill.


After the battle for Rad, the mysterious merchant can only be talked to once before you can't interact with him. Alicia's encouraging speech is also missing a space (ex. "Aliciagives a rousing speech").


Yup getting that fixed, what happened was for some cosmic reason when i made the new page for the after dialogue, the event was moved 'Below the character' instead of 'Same as Character' I hate it when RPG maker dose stuff like that -.-;;, Thanks for letting me know ;)