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Im working about 4 hours a day on kuroinu juggling commissions and the game itself.

Right now The Cutscene for Lulu's Seige is about 90% done just need to playtest it and check if it works

With any luck moonblack will add NPC's for both Rad and during the battle for the player to Rescue.

After the Cutscene I need to make a short dungeon of the Rad Tower to Climb then need to add a 'Enemy Rush' moment while you protect Origa and get a small cutscene.

After that I need to make the Battlefield/Canyons dungeon and program the Hicks, Keane and Kuro Hicks boss fights as well as getting Lulu in the party.

Then I need to do a post battle Cutscene of Rad + a Damaged City of Rad for the Player to explore shop ect and FINALLY move onto Thorn....

I hope all the segements with Rad wraps up by The end of the month I REALLY HOPE~

Honestly typing everything and constant playtesting to make sure it all works properly is eating up a good chunk of time TTnTT



Sounds good. Keep up the hard work. I got one question though. Will there be additional hentai scenes added in the next update or not yet?


No but I will be including ALL the H scenes made so far in a Folder , Remember I can't implament a Full H Scenario unless I have 90% of the files for it I.E 9/10 pics


Apologies for the wait. The internet at my place crapped out for nearly a week. Anyways, keep up the good work... just try not to run yourself ragged in the process. That kind of burnout is no joke.