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Ah Clair the Character I intentionally made to be Waifu material in the prototype stages of 'Terra' and probably the one character that's gone through a ton of alterations and modifications over the years.

I'm also impressed she's NOT the most popular lass I draw or at least the 2nd most popular hopefully this will change in the future.


Clair Lazbar is known as the Pirate Queen of Terra, Pirates in Terra are more or less mercenary forces that roam the Great Atalantis Ocean, They often travel around the Ocean hunting down Correpted forces and monsters venturing off from 'The Corrupted Island'  , The Origin where the Forces of Corruption come from and where the Corruption was first birthed into Terra, Clair's Pirates while the defend the mainland from the forces escaping there, also act as 'Robin Hood' like group as they tended to Steal from overly wealthy individuals and give to those who need it or return back to the Sea Elves (Mermaids), Clair herself being someone who spent most of her life on the high seas is obviosuly a Powerful Water magic user, while she isnt the greatest water mage she is adapt at making water a powerful offensive tool (which is rare because water is often used for Healing Magic). 

When Seth's Party need to cross the Great Ocean to Reach Korlms Grand Temple, Clair overhears and volunteers to escort the Party Across the Sea, After Learning Seth is a 'Chosen' she Selflessly Volunteers to become Seth's Mentor in Water Magic, Leaving her Pirate Forces in the hands of her most trusted companion Henrietta. and from there its off to the races as they say

Clair is a Confident, Hot Blooded, and Eager for Adventure and Exploration like any good sailor, She is also extremely flirtatious often times hitting on people in Seth's party more specifically with Seth himself, Because of Seth's Timid nature she finds it entertaining to no end to mess with him playfully. She also develops a close friendship with Maria later in the story as the two share alot in common and enjoy each others company. 



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