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Sorry I didn't get with you guys sooner...

Just processing what happened, and getting things set up...

On Friday July 31st I left for North Carolina with my Aunts to go vist my Dying Mother, who was dying of a Blood Infection, Liver, Pancreatic, and Lung Cancer, It was Storming hard when we arrived, Dad Told me she took a turn for the worst so fast on Wednesday, everyone thought she had at least a week or so but no...

I went to see my mother and she looked absolutely awful....and yeah It choked me up and I was bawling my eyes out, Hell I don't even know if she knew I was there or not, her eyes were glazed over and she wasn't moving just breathing very sickly. But my Sister in law assured me she was aware I was there, Dad told me she was holding on just for me to arrive...

On Saturday August 1st at 10:30am I was woken up abruptly by my Sis in Law and told me it was time, we all gathered around and watch mom die very very very slowly...She died at 10:43am  

Most of the Rest of the Family arrived and we had a mini funeral seasson to celebrate her life and what not....Honestly it was the longest day of my life.... The Funeral people came sometime in the evening and hauled mom off to be cremated. Later that evening when we were all going to bed I finally Balled my eyes out and Cried myself to sleep....

My Mother touched alot of people, people she knew and didn't knew and left a impression on them, she truly was a wonder mom... Everyone loved her, she was fiercely selfless, and always wanted to do everything at once. I may have gotten into tons of fights with mom, but I really loved her, she may have gotten the impression I was pushing her away but I wasn't, I was old enough to live my life and I wanted her to live hers...

I Just wish I could talk to her 1 final time to get everything off my chest...but now...

Sorry for the depressing news guys, I just wanted to give you a update....

I won't really be posting any lewds for awhile, mostly because its my folks place and they are not as open to the idea of lewd anime pics, but that may change, for the time being I won't be working on Kuroinu Rebellion, mostly because My dads comp dosne't have Dropbox, and Deadguy1775 and Moonblack have got the game handled for now. For now I will be drawing mainly my original stuff because I both need to draw it and I want to draw it for sanity sakes, but also expect some fanart every now and then of some 'wholesome' pics we need some warm fuzzies with times being tough....

To all my Patrons I'm Truly blessed, thank you so much for your support 



Lionheart. I am truly sorry for the loss of your mother. Already do I feel the same emotions you are feeling when I lost my mom to cancer back in February. Since then, not a day has passed by where I do not think of her. And there are times where I wish I wanted to speak to her, hold her hand, or even kiss her forehead one last time. I do not know if you are religious or not but I like to think that at the very least your mother is now in a better place where there is no more pain. Yet even so she continues to live in your heart. Remember that. Take your time to collect your thoughts and pour out all your tears. Just know that we are all here for you. Always.


I'm sorry to hear of your loss. You have my sympathies.