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For those who have not been following on Discord or are recently new, My Mother was Diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer 3 years ago, while she underwent surgery to get it removed and got chemo and radiation everything was looking good til March 2020, She had extreme ammonia build up and was in a coma for a few weeks, this was due to a growth located in the surgical area, On the Blood Vessel between her Liver and Lung, This entire year shes been in and out of the hospital taking radiology and chemo to try and shrink it while also trying to get her Ammonia levels under control. After a Biopsy last week to see what the growth was as it had triple in size after the radiation and chemo, When they went into for a Biopsy they burst the growth on her Liver which was a  Sepsis her body was containing it burst and gave her a blood infection, They had her hooked up and helping her fight the infection NP, However her Biopsy came in and showed she was positive for cancer, the Cancer was growing on her Liver and Lung, And while they could treat her with Chemo and Radiation she wouldn't be able to fight the blood infection, and if they did fight the blood infection the cancer maybe to large to treat....

TLDR: My Mother is going to die soon....

This has put me in a awkward position....

I am still going to continue work on Kuroinu Rebellion NP, As well as Doing Patreon Rewards and Commissions, however Livestreams will have to be put on hold for a time.

I'm going to have to go up to my Dad's and be with Mom during her Final Moments, Afterwards I'm probably going to have to move in with my Dad, as he can't live by himself both emotionally and financially, I kinda knew I was going to have to do this.

So I'm very very slowly going to be moving up with my dad im not sure how long this will take, it all depends on when mom finally passes....

Off topic news: Kuroinu Rebellion Version 1.9 will be done soon, One of my Volunteers is play testing the crap out of it and is making sure everything is good to go, such as fixing a ton of bugs in Version 1.8. Once 1.9 is done Version 2.1 Will be along the way possibly 2-3 months behind it.

What to Expect from Version 1.9:

Updated Maps, More Expansive and more secrets

Updated Lore and Dialogue more accurate to the Visual Novel 

Updated Artwork for the Characters

Alicia's City of Feoh can be Explored

What to Expect for Version 2.1:

Game Mechanics Overhaul, Adding new Features such as Party Swap

Origa H Scene Artwork Overhauled

Prim's City of Ur can be Explored

New Dungeon to expand on Kuroinu's Shallow Lore into something more Expansive (The True Enemy Revealed?!) 

Maya's Portion of the Story Covered

Ends with the Start of Lulu's Story.



Lionheart. Let me tell you I know exactly what you are going through. I too lost my mom to cancer back in February so I totally get the feelings of awkwardness, pain, and sorrow. Hell I still remember taking care of her for almost two years after I finished college, putting aside my dreams and my life for her. I lived through it all, every single day taking care of her with my dad. It was a tough mountain to climb and though I still wish to see her and talk to her or even feel her touch one more time, I know my mom is still alive in my heart. My advice to you: spend however much time you can with your mother and just be by her side. The game can wait. We can wait. Mothers take more importance than this.


Honestly I just want to get everything off my chest with her, tell her how I feel about her and just make sure I leave no regrets then I can move on happily. We always knew this would eventually happen, we just never expect it so soon, I never expected it so soon.

Sieg Warheidt

My condolences. Take all the time you need to get better and to visit your mother, otherwise you might regret it down the road. Best to say everything you need and just spend time with her.