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At the rate we are going it doesn't look like we can finish the game by years end like I would like, its just taking too long to insert and edit each story moment, doing each dungeon ect ect, So rather than trying to bum rush it for a year end release we'll be releasing it in chunks like I originally was going to do, though not in chapters. Instead we will release each version based on what has been done for said chapter. 1.9 is almost complete I say its about 80% done (thats a rough estimation could be more or less), while V2.1 is 60%. So expect V2.1 to be released shortly after Ver 1.9.

For now were trying to complete the Core Game, so you have a beginning, middle, end. All Side content will either be done after or if you patrons really want it, done for the next version update, this includes any H Scenes, Romance Scenes, Date Scenes, Side Quests, Patreon Quests ect. If you want us to work on those specifically please be vocal about it and send us a message and we shall focus on that for the next release. although I will try to get H Scenes into the game for you it's all going to depend on Patreon votes for that, once a character has all 9 of their scenes finished + the Romance scene It will be implemented into the next update of the game.

What to Expect in V1.9:

Various Bug fixes, 

New Maps, 

60% updated artwork,

 Edited Story to fit more in line with the VN.

What to Expect for V2.1

Core Gameplay Script changed

 Switching Party members on the Fly, 

Access to Prim's Fortress

Patreon Characters and Side Quests will appear but not implemented -YET-

New 10 Floor Dungeon

New Plot threads

Maya's Fortress Siege Event (1st part of Episode 3 from the anime) along with Michelle Boss fight

2.1 ends at Lulu's Fortress before her Siege.

If I had to Guesstimate on when V1.9 will be finished I say sometime in July, as for 2.1 either August or September



I just wanted to take the time to say that you are doing a fantastic job with the game, and I'm glad you aren't daunted by the work you have to do. It's clear based on all the things you want to implement that you care a lot about the game you are making and take it very seriously. I think waiting for it will be worth it in the end. Good games take time after all, so unless the the people nagging you to speed up are game designers/artists/programmers, you should just go at your own pace and make quality work. Good luck, you can do it!


Its a rather daunting task because only 2 of us are working on the game lol, thats why its taking forever, and the split second we get volunteers or peeps we hire they immediately drop it and leave.