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For those who are not on my discord and don't know whats going on.

My Mother slipped into a Coma on Saturday, We dont know why and the doctors are baffled as well however we think its due to Ammonia Poisoning, this was caused by a domino affect of abnormalities caused in her body, and if you ever do any research on it she was showing symptoms of that. Shes now in the hospital in intensive care being kept breathing and fed and were just waiting for her to snap out of it. 

Then we got hit with a bomb, while running tests and scans to find the cause of it, they discovered her pancreatic cancer that we thought was dead had returned and with a vengeance because it has spread to her adrenal gland and is possibly spreading to her lung. They can not do anything about it until she wakes up and gets better....

But things do not look good for her, she is very weak from trying to fight this thing off only no to go back to square one fighting 2 cancers now, 1 of them being hyper aggressive and physically can't be cut out like before because theirs hardly anything left to cut without killing her.

So what dose this mean?

Im preparing for the worse case scenario, in which I will have to change states and move in with my Father to help him pay for the house and for him to survive, as well as be their for emotional support, not only that my dad is getting old and physically can not do alot of things by himself either. This dose mean that if this stuff goes down, this means I need to find a full time job again to help him, which means no more full time stuff here on patron which means further that Rebellion and the Taimanin Asagi Doujin series and other projects are going to be further delay which I dont want that because Kuroinu Rebellion has been in development hell for 5 months and you guys are paying for it for that long and its not fair to you guys for such a delay, not only that this will also mean the number of patrons is going to drop because i will be producing less work I Know this for a fact.

All I can say is Pray for my mom and I hope that the worst case dose not happen.



Sorry to hear about that, all we can do is offer our prayers to you n your family, as the saying goes hope for the best but prepare for the worst.


your not wrong, outlook is grim dark as hell already, so im already starting to prepare for the potential inevitable, but who knows she may pull out of this and fight this cancer off again

Arcel U. A. Wolfe

holy shit, sorry to hear about that. I hope things will work out and the worst doesn't come but if you need to postpone and halt all the projects we don't blame you.


Im keeping myself distracted Working on Rebellion, Playing Warhammer, and Tommorow going to do a Monster Girl Request day.....but yeah push comes to shove I may need to halt the project for a month or 2, Not just to grieve or vist my mom but to also move in with my dad and help support him.