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Starting Friday February 7th  12pm eastern I will be doing a Livestream Lets play of Xcom 2: War of the Chosen, Where you the Viewers and Patrons are going to be the Main Characters of the Game.

Link to Streaming Site:  https://picarto.tv/LionheartXIII 

To Prepare ahead Patrons can Message me Their Character Info so I can go ahead and upload them into the game, Viewers however must be in the chatroom within the first 2 hours with their character sheets filled out or at least a general character idea to have their character be part of the game, after the first few hours I will begin the Game and will no longer be taking any more characters. Only 1 Character per person.

A Very Quick Run down of Each Character Class:


 Forward Scout Class and Melee Expert, Uses Assault Rifles, Shotguns, Swords and Axes.  The Ranger serves as our primary reconnaissance unit, capable of moving independently in concealment while engaging enemies at close range using extensive training in swordsmanship. 


 Heavy Weapons Specialist and Explosives Expert, Uses Gatling Guns and Grenade launchers.  Serving as our demolitions experts, the Grenadiers provide heavy ordnance delivery whenever and wherever we need it.


 Both the Medic and Hacker of the Group, Uses Assault Rifles and GREMLIN drones.  Operating some of our most advanced equipment, Specialists deploy robotic drones on the battlefield that can be outfitted for combat or field medic duty. 


Long Range Sniper Unit, Uses Sniper rifles and Handguns,  Just like it sounds, our sharpshooters engage enemy targets with pinpoint accuracy from extreme range. They're also trained in pistol marksmanship for the occasional close encounter 

Psi Operative: 

Uses Psychic powers to become a Jack of all Trades Solider, Uses Assault Weapons and Psychic Powers, One of the Strongest classes however This Class Takes a VERY Long time to Train,  A mysterious new branch of study for XCOM, the Psionic Operative utilizes their mental abilities to great effect to boost their allies and cripple the will of enemies. 


 Mechanical Giant Robot Soldier, They act as a Hyrbid between the Specialists with is Hacking and Ant-Robotic weapons and a Grenadier with its heavy weapons, Uses Heavy Weapons,  Late Game unit, These high-powered robotic units can unleash devastating frontline attacks or absorb incoming fire and protect the squad. 

Reapers: Hero unit reserved for patrons only, 2 slots available

 These Metro Last Light Cosplayers that Act as Both a Sharpshooter, Forward scout and Ultimate Assassin. Uses a Custom Sniper Rifle, Claymore Mines, and is always in Stealth.

Skirmisher:  Hero unit reserved for patrons only, 2 slots available

 Half Human, Half Alien, These Rebel Soldiers are master movements, They spiderman their way across the battlefield using grappling hooks, can use the hooks to channel their inner scorpion and are melee experts, Uses Sub-machine guns, Wolverine Blades, and a Electrical Grappling hook.

Templar:  Hero unit reserved for patrons only, 2 slots available

Fight as a Jedi or Sith, Use Psionic powers to crush enemies and use Energy blades made from your own Psychic power, gets stronger as battles rage on, and can even deflect attacks, They use Energy Blades and Psychic powers.

Xcom Character Sheet:

First name

Last name



Nationality *Please include a picture of Flag*


Personality *Describe in 1 Sentence*


Description: *Describe how you want your character to look, Eye color, hair color, age, type of clothing/armor, accessories. DO NOT GIVE ME A BIOGRAPHY*

Mods used: *If you already had a character made for Xcom and used mods for their appearance link me what mods were used*


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