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Remember Last Month when patreon went bonkers and a bunch of peeps accounts were declined? Welp guess what it happened AGAIN this month too

This time it really is Patreon's fault, Screw up once alright, Screw up exactly the same way again....

Patreon 'Says' they are sending messages out to those who accounts were declined but I call BS on that.

Everyone is still going to get their rewards this month even if you were declined, But to fix the Decline you can simply tell your bank its not fraud or you can change your payment method all together, or you can transfer funds for your patron tier onto paypal and it will go through paypal instead of your bank.

Some other methoods of fixing this are:



Or you can Yell at Patreon: https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=70716

And yes if it sounds like Im abit Salty about all this its because I am, Now more than ever Im Relied on Patreon to basically continue to Live. I have more Info Regaurding that on my DA Page here: https://www.deviantart.com/lionheartxiii/journal/RL-News-I-Quit-my-Dayjob-Now-in-Trouble-755983348

But long story short I don't have a Normal Day job anymore and I am actively searching for a new one and im on a tight as hell shoe string budget right now and at any moment things are going to go south. Which means no More artworks from me, No more Comics, No more Kuroinu Rebellion. So yeah Patreon is kinda a big deal for me right now TTnTT


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