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I've been deliberating on what I want to do with patreon ties once I switch to doing purely hourly rates for commissions. I appreciate those of you who have given me monthly support and want to keep doing stuff for you each month, so I'm juggling the idea of continuing to have some higher tier patron slots that guarantee a monthly comm slot, but don't know if i want to do like, $5 gets you a guaranteed slot, and then I do your comm stuff at normal rate, or do like $20 gets a guarantee but then those $20 are put towards the comm, or what. 

Thoughts or suggestions?

Edit: One if the main reasons I'm putting this out there is that at the moment, most of my patreon draw tiers are taking double the time or more than what the price would entail when translated to a normal commission. I want to try and prevent undervaluing myself in this situation and I'm trying to find the best way to compromise.



I'd recommend against treating the Patreon support as part of the comm price, personally--or at the very least, I'd recommend against treating it that way 1:1. Having a slot allocated specifically for supporters backing at or above a certain tier, with the slot being granted in rotation (to keep one person from monopolizing it month to month), sounds promising, though.


I think having the rhetorical you have proposed for a $20 tier can get dicey further down the line. Say with someone either forgetting or trying to save up the benefits from that tier, or said person missing out on their perk too much. I like still having some of the tiers exist, like the $35 one, in the event one can't ever make it to your streams.


Your idea sounds cool, it would give people who pledge to you a bigger chance at getting a commission while leaving slots for everyone else; i believe that announcing streams a couple hours or days ahead will always guarantee high partecipation, and if you want you can leave some reward out of stream for whoever can't make it to stream that time, nothing time taking like the previous Patreon rewards, but something like doodles and sketches