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Supernatural 11x10 - "The Devil In the Details" FULL REACTION

  • 10 = This episode is a masterpiece 4
  • 8-9 = Great episode, with overall great moments and a little something special 1
  • 6-7 = Good episode with good stuff, enjoyable 0
  • 5 = Average episode, not good but not bad, OK 1
  • 1-4 = Nothing extraordinary, could be skipped 1
  • 2024-01-24
  • 7 votes
{'title': 'Supernatural 11x10 - "The Devil In the Details" FULL REACTION', 'choices': [{'text': '10 = This episode is a masterpiece', 'votes': 4}, {'text': '8-9 = Great episode, with overall great moments and a little something special', 'votes': 1}, {'text': '6-7 = Good episode with good stuff, enjoyable', 'votes': 0}, {'text': '5 = Average episode, not good but not bad, OK', 'votes': 1}, {'text': '1-4 = Nothing extraordinary, could be skipped', 'votes': 1}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 24, 3, 20, 3, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 7}


Watch here : https://share.vidyard.com/watch/y7nQXsCjda42P9Sm73vXaz? (password : Evie27)



What did you think of this episode??



teen wolf movie please😂

Linda Moore

This is an amazing episode with a very cool, unexpected outcome at the end. Your reaction was awesome. Ugh! I felt so bad for Sam - to be psychologically tortured even more by Lucifer! He's the worst! But I LOVED Sam telling Lucifer, "But I'm not ready to be your bitch." Sammy!! 😍😍 (I also loved Lucifer's line about going to LA and solving crimes though! He's a heinous ass, but he's pretty funny sometimes! 😄) I agree with you that Lucifer has a point - that Sam and Dean always choose each other. But I'd argue that being together is the only thing that keeps them both going after the ridiculous amount of trauma and loss they've both suffered through. So, if we want them around to keep saving people and hunting things, if we want them to save the world the next time, then we need them to be together. Also, I'd like to point out that everyone keeps telling the boys - and they themselves keep saying - that "they" did this, or "we" did this, referring to letting the Darkness out.. But..."they" didn't do it. Dean had nothing to do with letting her out. He told Sam so many times that he didn't want the cure from the book of the damned because there would be some kind of terrible repercussions. Now, yes he chose not to kill Sam, but he still didn't tell him to use the book. In reality, Dean had nothing to do with letting The Darkness out; he just bore the mark. But he actively fought against "curing" him with the book because of the unknown consequences. I absolutely do not blame Sam for doing what he did, and am extremely grateful he saved Dean. Like I said they need each other to keep on going. And as you said, of course, we want them to keep living as well. So, I'm very happy Sam chose Dean. But I'd just like to point out that once again Dean is being blamed (and blaming himself, ofc) for something he didn't actually do. 🤷‍♀️ K, Rant over. 😁 Poor Cas, I hate when people and other angels make him feel like he's less than. He's an incredibly important part of Team Free Will. Of course he's made mistakes just like the boys. But there are no three beings on earth that have given up more or suffered through more, to keep the world spinning than Dean, Sam and Cas. And it sucks when other characters (and occasionally fans 😞) don't see that. Casifer (as you correctly named him! 😊) is just awesome in so many ways! Imo, Misha does a great job with him. It must be very difficult as an actor to pull off a role like that - one that is so well known - you'd have to get the mannerisms down and inhabit a character that you had no hand in "creating". Misha does great. I'd also like to point out a little moment in the episode that Jensen insisted be included. Jensen wanted a moment in the episode where it's acknowledged that this is the first time Dean is returning to hell since he was there for 40 years - since he was tortured and then made to torture. 😞 Jensen really wanted to show that affecting Dean somehow. But the episode was already jam packed, so they said they couldn't fit in an extra scene addressing it. So Jensen just used the moment that Billy opens the door to hell for him. He takes just a moment, gives just a half minute hesitation before descending the stairs. Jensen does so much with just his expression and body language in that moment. I fully admit I didn't notice it the first watch through - there is A LOT happening in the episode. But I noticed it on subsequent rewatches. Then someone asked Jensen a question about it at a con and he explained how it all played out. And I was like, "Of course he knows Dean well enough to know that moment wouldn't be easy for him." Have I mentioned that I love this show and these characters and actors? I think I have. 😁 Oh, and yes! That was Colin Ford playing Sam once again. He's actually played a younger version of Jared's character on Walker as well. Such a cool relationship they have. 😊 Love all the upcoming episodes - can't wait for your reactions! ❤️ (OMG - the size of this novel is ridiculous! *hangs head in shame, but doesn't delete anything* 😁)

Susan Stork

Where I agree that Dean did not directly let the Darkness out; I have to kind of put some blame on him as much as it pains me to say. I love Dean but he did accept the Mark from Cain without any understanding of the consequences, so if he didn't have the Mark then there would have been no reason for a cure and so on. Now, I love the Mark of Cain storyline but I do put some fault in Dean for it. And Crowley, but that's just because i despise Crowley. I am team Dean, always. ☺