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Watch here : https://vimeo.com/854136546 (password : Evie27)

That last big one was... terrifying!


What did you think of this episode??


Timo Pahde

The 4 Stages of Infected! Stage 1: Runners The first type of infection is the most human-like of the stages and occurs anywhere from 24-48 hours after infection. These are called Runners, who look the most human-like of the bunch because the fungus hasn’t taken over their whole body yet. They become irritable and violent, often moaning in pain, and are defined by their speed and their molted, pale skin, bloodshot eyes, and thinning hair. One of the scariest parts about this stage is the unknown of how intact the person's mind is, which is often speculated amongst the survivors. They’ll often shriek when attacking, maybe meaning they realize what they’re doing without being able to stop it. Stage 2: Stalkers The second stage can take up to two weeks post-infection to reach and is one they remain in for up to a year. It’s a slow transition to stage three, which means the infected become less human-like and start to grow fungus out of their bodies, often losing one side of their face, and begin croaking, though they remain quiet enough to hide and attack victims. In the first episode, Joel and Tess come across a dead infected who has grown into the wall. Apparently it’s a more common phenomenon, where stalkers can reach a state of dormancy while fungal tendrils emerge and attach them to the walls before either awakening and attacking or dying. Stage 3: Clickers Maybe the most well-known and horrifying of the bunch, clickers are the third stage of infection and take about a year post-infection to reach. At this point, there is almost no resemblance to humans at all, which audiences learned the hard way when Tess, Joel, and Ellie run into two at an abandoned museum in Boston. In place of their eyes and face is a blooming fungus skull, leaving them fully blind and only with a mouth that emits a creepy clicking sound to locate humans and communicate with other infected. They are one of the strongest types of infected due to the fungus serving as an armor on their body and because of how advanced the fungus is, they are obsessive attackers, overwhelmed with the need to find humans when they’re in their presence. They’re hard to kill, so the best option is to quietly sneak away without setting off their echolocation skills. Stage 4: Bloaters The fourth stage of infection is one of the rarest but is the most dangerous type of infection and happens several years post-infection. A bloater is almost all fungus, which covers its body and acts as armor plates, and is insanely strong and aggressive. It’s larger and slower than most other infected, but an encounter with one leaves the human dead 9 times out of 10. The only way to defeat one is to outrun it or use fire, otherwise, you risk being torn apart by it. Plus their skin has pockets of toxins that can infect human skin, so it’s best to stay far, far away.


Hi Evie, this was another great but hard episode. Seeing Ellie and Sam together was so sweet and she really wanted to help him. Thank you Timo for explaining the different stages of infection. I was going to tell you that the large one was called a bloater and I only know that from watching a reaction from someone who played the game, but I have no idea why they are called bloaters.


Thank you for explaining the different stages!

Linda Moore

Great episode, great reaction! The end of this one absolutely kills me. Such devastation and sadness. 😩 And Ellie's little, "I'm sorry" note just - 💔💔💔 Personally, I absolutely HATE Kathleen. Lol! Because I agree with what you're saying that she wants revenge because Henry informed on her brother (which was obviously not a good thing) and who was he to choose his brother over hers? But to my mind that's being really hypocritical. Because who was she to choose her brother over his - to say that a grown man who'd at least lived a life, was more important that the safety and well-being of a child who could have his whole life ahead of him? At the end of the day, one brother is not worth more than the other. But it should be human nature to protect babies, and she just straight up didn't give a shit that he was trying to save a completely innocent little boy. To the point that Henry was giving himself up, and just wanted her to let the kids go, and she was just like, "nope." 😑 She was going to kill Sam too! (and Ellie obviously!) Like, wtf, lady?! Do you think this little 8 year old boy was responsible for your brother's death, or his brother's choices, for that matter? Her situation would have garnered my sympathy if she wasn't such a raging psycho. Obviously FEDRA was heinous and awful, but how were the people of the "revolution" acting any differently by torturing people to death, giving no trials, and not taking anyone's situation or possible innocence into account? I understand them killing FEDRA officers, (though it should have been quick, clean executions) but they should have at least attempted to care about their neighbors who were also victimized by FEDRA, just in a different way. They should have at least listened to their situations. There definitely SHOULD have been trials for the other citizens. They just killed them all without thought or remorse. They just ripped down one facist state to put up their own. And if your leadership is willing to murder innocent children just cause? Well, I'll just say that I was kinda happy to see the infected show up. And imo, Kathleen got just what she deserved. You can't claim to be "the good guys" and then act that way. Henry was acting out of desperation and love. Kathleen was acting out of hate and vengence. Her brother was clearly the MUCH better person. Anyway that's my rant against Kathleen. Lol! I might be a little biased towards a story about a big brother looking out for his little brother, Sam. 😄 Fabulous reaction - your face when the Bloater came up out of the ground was priceless. And completely understandable. 😁 Loving your reactions to this show. 😊❤️