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Watch here : https://vimeo.com/853799131 (password : Evie27)



What did you think of this episode??



Evie, your instincs are exceptional. You made the right call about William Buccleigh MacKenzie being the Nuckelavee and about Rob Cameron being a villian. But Rob has not shown what he is capable of yet. As for Jamie, I refuse to be the barer of bad news......... Your reactions are very sweet and very enjoyable to watch. Please take the time to start reading Diana Gabaldon book series during the upcoming "Droughtlander". I know you are very busy with other shows, but I guarentee, you won't be disappointed or regret it. One point in history: You saw that Jamie was wearing a white uniform. All personel in Morgan's Rifles wore white to stand out and as a psychological advantage against the British. The were uniformly feared by the British troops because they were able to kill at three times the range of the British Brown Bess musket. At some point in the later part of the war, General Washington had all his troops dress in white to scare the c*rp out of the British infantry. So Jamie wearing white is very historically accurate. Cheers, Evie.


There is a reason that Graham wasn't able to play Buck, but that will become evident later. I think the new actor did well, Buck is supposed to be in his 30's so it would have presented challenges for Graham (62) to keep playing him. Did you watch Sam and Graham in Men in Kilts season 1? That might be something to watch during Droughtlander. Also Season 2 is now out.


I will definitely get around to reading the books! & ouuuhh I'm so curious about Rob.. grrr