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I didn’t watch this show when it originally aired, but I believe this season was split in half and this was the mid season finale. I’m not sure how long people had to wait for the final 8 episodes of the show. I remember watching this episode and I did not pick up on anything like you did until I saw Hank pick up the book and we were reminded of the flashback. OMG is right 🤯🤯


This episode has a lot of callbacks while advancing the story significantly. It's titled Gliding Over All for a few reasons, the episode glides over a good amount of time- 3 months I believe. Obviously the fly and fly poster from the opening scene is a callback. Hank gliding over Walter being his Heisenberg up until now and "gliding" is mentioned in the Walt Whitman poem. Hank's summer job of marking specific trees in a certain grid, crews coming later and finding the trees and cutting them down is a simile for Walt using Jack's crew to take out those 10 guys in jail. I love Walt's realization in this episode of enough is enough. Walt looking at the mangled towel dispenser thinking how far he's come since 4 Days Out specifically, to bringing up the RV at Jesse's- reminiscing on the "good old days". You can see Walt still looks at him as a son. Jr. playing peekaboo with Holly at Hank and Marie's is a callback to the Peekaboo episode 0206. Holly even has orange on for the red head kid from the episode. There's a black beetle (another symbol of innocence) in Walt's backyard in that final scene, also a callback to the opening scene of Peekaboo. Holly is wearing pink in that scene, also symbolism for innocence from the teddy bear in season 2. So many callbacks leading up to one of the biggest moments the audience has been waiting for for almost the entire show- Hank finding out about Walt. The painting from the hospital in 0203 is in this episode but this particular one looks a lot more weathered. A clever way of saying even though Walt is out of the game, he's already departed- tainted and there's no going back to a "normal life" with his family. The man in the painting is departing from his family while gliding over the blue water. "Learn to take 'yes' for an answer" is what Mike told Walt in the past as well as Walt starting to have his drinks on the rocks as a nod to Mike after he killed him. Walt mimicked Gus and Mike after each their death. Lydia's line: "We're going to make a lot of money together" is Tuco's line to Walt from season 1.