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Hello people. I hope you are well. It's just me trying to talk about something that has been going on these weeks.

This month have been a real lost of patrons for me and I've been analyzing what is the reason behind this.

Although my rate of publication has increased. I just want to explain you what it takes so much to give you new stuff.

1. Animations take time.

2. I've been studying in a academy. Animation. This in order to give you my best BECAUSE YOU, WHO SUPPORT ME. DESERVE IT.

You don't deserve less.

3. My health. For now I'm not regretting my decision to be a full time NSFW artist. Your commentaries, your likes, your recommendations. Everything has been AMAZING. But in these coming weeks I've been experiencing Anxiety and panic attacks. They are so strong that I have to take a week off to "give a rest to my body" 

This said. There is another you must know.

This is not mystery but my art has been LEAKED in free websites for really a long. 

I can understand people who will say : "Why would I pay for something that I can get free"

Although I could fight against it. I feel really exhausted and knowing internet is so big. I feel that I will be shooting against the sea. 

The only problem with this is affects YOU. NOT ME


Simple people can steal my art. I'll create another. But you, you are the one who are paying for watching my stuff. The person who leaks my gallery is spitting you in your face, mocking off you and I understand if you quit of follow me because of it. I can understand it.

The reason because I'm talking about this is to thank you. All of YOU. Who even knowing my art has been leaked still supporting me in all this hard things.


More than a friend 




Hmmm, I know a few other creators who ran into this problem before. Have you considered using a Mega account/folder that you can link to in your Patreon posts that can be password protected? It won't be much, but changing the password every month should help deter a few malevolent actors.


Actually pal. The problem is not the restriction, the problem is the person. Because I can create the password. The "robin hood" can be patron, download it and do the same thing over and over again. As I told you I'm exhausted. But I'm so happy to stand by your help.


Ces salopards insensibles ! Some people who steal or leak your exclusive patreon content, they are being spoiled. Sure, they can't spend a dime to your stuff, except unfollow you and act like cheap bastards! They, he or she who come towards me and ask me to add sounds to them, i still ignore them. I'm married and i am getting old, actually aging as life goes by. Still editing sound effects to your work. Listen, you're not alone pal, i'm facing the same thing as well!


You know I've subscribed to many independent creators over the years, and its happen in more then a dozen cases, where they one quit, which there is nothing wrong with they have every right too. Problem on many of these occasions they take down all that they have created, making their content no longer available to be viewed or even purchased in some cases. Thus the only way to preserve those creations is to pirate them, to put somewhere. As the saying goes, if you know the building will burn, stealing is a mercy, though in these case you often don't get a warning. Like when you left the first, I hadn't subscribed to your patreon or downloaded anything from your deviantart. Only through piracy did continue remembering and lamenting you left. Furthermore, the theory of these leakers driving patrons away is I believe overblown, every study on piracy, has shown that piracy creates a negligible loss on revenue by 5%, practically within the margin of error, why? Because piracy is 90% of the time a worst service, it relies on patience and the will of others to leak, not to mention most people don't know where to look. Because of this exposure to content and want for the new stuff as soon as possible most people end up just paying anyway after being exposed to the content through piracy, that's if they can even afford though. So the only people who pirate are those in the know of piracy and who couldn't afford to be patreon in the first place, and you might say oh it only 10$, well everyone everywhere asks for 10$ and say its only 10$ and those payments rack up, especially these when the economy isn't doing well. Sorry for the rant, I hope you get more patreons, you're work is unique unlike anything I've seen, you will always have supporters, and understand that this downturn is likely caused by other economic factors, I've this dip in patrons lately in other creators, not to mention is February/Winter time, there always dips in revenues in winter.


Found out on reddit, there's youtube poop's about Giankeshi, they get taken down in seconds! They actually ytp him!