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Back with another update.

So I wanna drop some big news. I decided that on January 1st, I'm going to drop another game update. This is just going to be an expansion to the GOLD scene from v0.1.5. I want to start adding even more major differences if you choose the lewd path, rather than taking the gentleman route. This version will only have a GOLD edition, and it's just a sample of v0.1.8 that's coming at the end of January. Version 0.1.8 will also have a GOLD edition itself, which that GOLD content will include this scene, and another extra sex animation, this time with Lorraine. The GOLD versions of Godson will almost always be involved with the lewd path somehow, just so you know.

Anyways, in this next game update at the beginning of January (images above), you'll be able to now make Marnie your girlfriend. This will have some major impacts during the party in v0.2 and going forward. If you simply don't want Marnie to be your girlfriend so early on, don't worry, you'll be able to do it again later down the line if you're trying to play a less lewd path. If you're wondering how many girlfriends you can have at once, don't worry about that either, that choice is yours. I simply can't stand games where if you get more than one woman as your girlfriend, the game forces bad situations to happen to you - like losing all of them without anyway to keep them. In this game, you'll always have options to keep every girlfriend you have. You could still lose them all, but at least you have the option of keeping all of them, or breaking off with whatever women you want - you got options.

I've been doing some extra rigging for some of my models, since there will be a few twerking animations in v0.2, the first being with Gianna (if that doesn't help you decide if you should pay her or not). Also just an fyi, Jennifer may be noticeably absent from the party. Don't forget she's on the cover of Godson, and is even in the logo. She's very important to the story/plot so don't leave her out going forward.

I also want to thank everyone who voted in the recent poll to keep Marnie's bush or not. From the looks of it, we are definitely going to keep it, but I can also simply make it an option. Enough people voted no for me to add the option to the game. All it requires really is just for me to render certain scenes or animations twice, which is completely fine with me. She'll start rocking the bush (if you choose the option for her to have it) starting in v0.2. Obviously, it wouldn't make much sense right now for it to magically appear, but I have a way to make it make sense. So be on the lookout for that option starting in v0.2.

I don't really have too much for this update. I'm just heavy working every day on new scenes and animations. But yes, there will be 2 game updates dropping next month. One will be only a GOLD release on January 1st (Tier 2 - part of v0.1.8), and the next will be a GOLD and Regular release at the end of January - the full v0.1.8. After January's releases, the next game update will be specifically the party - no more daytime scenes. So you load up v0.2, and it'll start directly at the party (if that's where you save file is). I'm putting the last bits of the daytime story in my head, in v0.1.8. I don't want to leave anything out that I feel is important.

I got some more pin-ups I'm dropping, and I still need to do a Myles and Sun face reveal so plenty more in store this month. I hope to have the Lorraine sex animations done so I can start showing them off soon too. Stay tuned.

P.S. - Discord recently made my server age-restricted (you need to be 18 or over to join). You always needed to be 18 or over to join my server as it's in the rules, but now they made it official. This won't have any effect to anyone besides people on iOS. Check this info page on how to access it on iOS: https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/1500005292701-Accessing-an-Age-Restricted-Server-FAQ (you just gotta enable something on your pc I think).




Oh yeah baby !!! Two updates in January ! Harem !!!


Can you maybe start adding a little bit of foreplay before sex scenes moving forward? Some tit groping/sucking. Ass rubbing and all that. Just a small point i feel is lacking. I love the game and the models. Thanks for the hard work and great content.