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I'm trying to be Patreon Friendly so I will use the word excited alot.

Character Model Updates


Throughout this entire game development process for Godson, I've always been "excited" while making it, if you know what I'm talking about. Obviously, that's because I'm into what I'm making. But as I was working on the Martha patch, sure there's a lot of hott scenes, but I just wasn't getting excited, at all actually. I'm very aware of myself, and if I'm not getting excited then it's probably because there's something wrong with the character model. I moved a little too fast on her, I didn't fully take my time during character creation like I should have. I should have focused more on cellulite rather than just trying to mimic it in a way. I won't lie, I wasn't quite sure how to do it when I was making her, but recently while just fucking around (testing stuff), I figured out a backway to do it - and it looks really good. So I'm going to be doing some updates to Martha so she can look exactly how I want her to. Luckily I have alot of scenes done so it'll just take me a day or so to update her, then I'll just replace the model in the scenes I made so far, which is very easy - takes maybe 1-2 minutes per scene to do. So I can update, get the final word from you guys, then just replace the model in the scenes and then jump right back to making more.

Her breasts were also an issue for me in the excited part. But, so were Marnie's too.


I recently been feeling uneasy especially after my last pin-up. I never noticed it before, but Marnie was starting to look a little too thin for my tastes, almost super-model like. Look at the last pin-up for awhile and you'll see what I mean. Sure she was already decently thicc and she's clearly a milf, but not thicc enough and her body looked more on the fitness level than the soft milky milf I wanted her to be. There were a few other issues too, and I first noticed these things as I'm working on the Martha Patch.

Her breasts just didn't have that milky flavor, and although they're big, they just aren't milky enough. What's the point of having huge t*ts if it doesn't look like you can milk them? It's supposed to be erotic, sexual. On top of that, I realized that she isn't really even that thicc. Her body reminded me alot of Bianca, who isn't supposed to be crazy thicc and is more fitness level-thicc like Lorraine. I'm into that type of thicc too, so are you guys, but where's that soft milky milf at? It was supposed to be Marnie.

All this combined, I was starting to lose my excitement for Marnie. Which is not good, because she's the main Love Interest of the game and my and everyone else's favorite character (I'm sure). So I took 2 days and did some major updates to her body. If you look above at the image posted, you can see the final result. Here's what I did.

  • Bigger Breasts - Marnie now has bigger breasts than before, not crazy bigger, but they are larger.

  • More Milkier Nipples and Areola - Now they actually pop-out a bit more to have a nice milky-like look.

  • Much More Thicc-er Body - Her body is a bit more thicc and more BBW-like that before. It's not a huge change, but it's noticeable in my opinion and much more of what I was trying to do.

  • Softer Body - I sculpted her body a bit more softer than it was before, and used different normal maps. It visually looks softer too, at least in my opinion. You're supposed to have a feeling of that body laying on you, or you putting your face into. I was trying to do it in a way that you get that feeling. Look at her and try to think of that and let me know if I did a good job in that regard.

  • Better Feet - It's not hard, especially after playing Godson, to figure out that I like nice feet. That's why I constantly do full-body shots as it's hotter in my opinion. I added some fluff to her feet and did some minor sculpting so they feel real.

The whole point of my deep character creations is that when a woman get's naked in this game, you actually feel like they are actually naked because of the character design and attention to detail. Not just you looking at a 3D model and seeing what you're supposed to see when a woman is naked, but you actually believing what you're seeing. You can go to google and type in "naked 3d model woman" and see a bunch of junk (no disrespect to other 3D artists). But I like realism, and I think it's especially important when dealing with Adult Games.

If you guys are cool with this change, then this is how she will look going forward. No need to replace any scenes thus far with the new model because it'll make sense story-wise.

As far as the Martha patch itself, I'm about 40% there. I'm going to release a Part 1 probably sometime at the end of next week so you guys can get a feel of how it's going. It's early access content, for Tier 2 and up as that is a tier benefit.

Anyways, let me know what you guys think. I can say for me personally, I am far more excited for Marnie now. If most aren't cool with it, I can just keep using the original Marnie model. But I definitely prefer this new BBW-like Marnie. But, I need you guys to also be excited. But everyone here loves thicc, and I mean, why would you be here if you don't? The thiccer the better, am I right?

See you guys in the next post.




I am totally with you on the changes you performed. She looks fantastic. Love the bigger breasts, the extra tummy, and the thicker bush. In my opinion she doesn't need bigger feet. I can't wait to see the softness on her butt, so I can bury my face on it.


Love the changes, and in general looking forward to any future bbw characters you may add.