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Hey everyone, welcome to part 17 of the my 3D Pokemon RPG in Unity course. In this video, add wild pokemon in our game and when we throw a pokeball at the wild pokemon, we'll spawn our player pokemon in a position for starting battles.

I hope you like the video :)



Vladsier Records

I have noticed that the particle engine for your build spawns on the model, for some odd reason my particles are spawning a ways in front of the pokemon model. Code is identical, so I am unsure what the cause would be


encountering a bug where when I throw a pokeball at the wild Pokémon, the party Pokémon spawns over the wild pokemon's position. I enlarged the sphere collider but still experiencing the issue.

Darrell Willis

I am probably not the most skilled about knowing this, but double check the section of code that refers to the pokemon being spawned away from the wild pokemon @8:22 in the video. If there's anything that doesn't quite match to the video, then there will be the mistake.

Darrell Willis

The spawn flash might have transform data. Reset the particle effects position to zero