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Hey everyone, welcome to part 4 of the my 3D Pokemon RPG in unity course. In this video, add collisions to our game so that player won't be able to walk through obstacles.

I've attached the scripts files below so you can use it as a reference while following

I hope you like the video :)


Lecture 4 - Adding Collisions.mp4



I knew about the Character Controller component Unity provides but I've never used it. So it's really interesting to see that in action :)

Brandon Sears

I'm very curious what your plan will be when/if you get to setting a destination like in a cutscene for the character to move to. My project started off using a character controller but I could not figure out a good system for that so I had to scrap it and move to the NavMesh System. Great video though!


Thanks, Brandon. For 3D games, using the NavMesh system should work well for moving the characters to a certain position. For the player character, you can keep the navagent disabled by default, and then enable it during the cutscene.