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Hey everyone, just wanted to let you all know that the new Patreon tiers are live!

Thank you all for the support and I hope to bring many more stories to you all.
I'll also be adding

Also just as a reminder, here is what you can expect of all the tiers. and below down this post you can see the sheet you can use to make your OC and the Room + Guide
Current Tier(base tier): Explorer - No change

New Tier (Tier 3): Legacy Holder (10$), You will have access to everything from the previous tiers, including any side content I publish, and will be able to vote for the side story that I will make for the next month. In addition to all that, you can also have an OC in the world of MAZE. You can set their appearance, their level, and how they will show up in the story. They can be part of a dungeon or a person who is dealing with their own stuff (depending on the situation, it might take a while for them to show up. If Hera is stuck somewhere or in places where no one has ever been before, for instance) I'll have a character sheet on the discord that you guys can take a look at to have a better idea about what you can do with your character. 

New Tier (Tier 4): Guide (35$)  You will have access to everything from the previous tiers, including the OC cameo plus something else. The ability to create not just your own room in the MAZE but also its guide. When you make a room, there will be a story spanning at least 4 chapters in your room (that may or may not include dungeons) and another chapter where someone talks to the guide. I'm saying someone will talk with them, but it's more likely that that person is Hera, but if you want, you can ask for it to be a different character. Maybe it's Becca who is traveling through that room, and the guide shows up talking with Peaches or another guide. Maybe it will be Shane or a new explorer character that will talk with them.
As an example of what you might expect, the Abyssal Deep and Lodi was a room created by a pair of good friends of mine as a 'test run' of sorts. They came up with the place, how it looked, and what happened there, and I added some details to make sense in the world of MAZE, all with their permission, of course, and the dungeons to explain what happened. There were some things that were a surprise, like the Anemoray and the underwater temple, but those were more to drive the story forward than anything else. Does that mean that your room may span 50 chapters like that one? It is a possibility, but it may also be something like the Belly of the Beast, where they just pass by, find a couple of things, and leave (the Belly of the Beast wasn't created by someone else, it's just an example) just like the OC cameo I will have a full 'sheet' that you can use as a base to create the room, and the guide, on discord.

Character sheet:
Gender: [This will be the gender not sexuality, their partner preferences will likely not be shown unless you specifically asks for it.]
Species:  [The options are Human, Elf, Dwarf, Triton, Beastmen, and Harpy. If you want to make it of a different species, your character will have to show up only in dungeons.]
Age:  [If they are under 18, you can't pick the role they are. If you have doubts about the age rance of a species let me know]
Role: [Explorer, Hunter, Mage, Researcher, Crafter, Fighter, Assassin, Healer, Controller, Performer]  
Personality: [Here, you can either describe their personality or say a few characters that you used as a base. For instance, 'Like Sam from Lord of the Rings' or 'Over hyper like Naruto' or whatever you want. You can be as detailed as you want or not. You can also specify how will they interact with Hera or the current focus character. Will they be friendly, hostile, annoyed, apathetic, find them funny, find them weird, be scared, find them attractive, whatever you want.]
Appearance: [If you have a picture that you used as a base, or pictures that mixed together will create your character, that is great. If not, you can make the description. Again be as detailed as you want, and I'll fill in the blanks as needed. If you want a more detailed option for the appearance here, it is. Describe each of these aspects: Eyes, Face, Hair, Body, Clothes, Weapons, Accessories. Remember that if you want, they can have a tamed pet or a construct pet like Daskka] Their current goal: [Every character needs a drive, what will be yours? What are their current objective it can be small, like 'finishing this quest', or big as 'Saving the world']
Uniqueness: [What would make them stand out from the crowd? Their get up? Their hair? Some special skill that catches people's eyes? Think of this as the first thing that someone would notice when looking at them] What do they do: [This can be both about how they fight, or what their job is. Not everyone in the MAZE is a warrior. Your OC can be a baker, a salesperson, a lawyer, a doctor, or a pr manager. Whatever you want. If you are going for fight, tell me what is their style, what kind of weapons and such they use?]
Backstory: [This part may not appear properly in the story, but it helps to write more believable characters. But what happened with them so far? What was their life like? What were their struggles? This is more for you and me than for everyone else. But if your character shows up at a bigger event and there is a moment where someone will talk to them, this might come up. You can be as descriptive as you want or as brief as you want. Just remember that the character will appear briefly. If you want to write a 50 page backstory, keep in mind that it will be for me and you, not for everyone else.]
Things that you DO NOT want to happen with your character: [If there is anything you don't want to happen to them, let me know. Maybe you don't want them to get injured, or you don't want them to be involved in something heavy. Whatever it is, let me know. I already avoid some topics in the novel so if it's not something that appeared so far, you don't have to worry about it.]
Final details: [Is there anything else you want to add? Something that didn't fit the previous categories? Here is your chance]

Disclaimer: This is still my story, and there are a couple of things that I'm not comfortable with. So if you make a racist, homophobic character, I won't change them, but I won't portray them in a good light. I don't condone those kinds of things, and I will not use my story to give a positive spin on those attitudes. All of this will be discussed with you, and we will work to make something we are both comfortable with. I'm also not a tyrant. Your character might have a different opinion than I do. For instance, I think we should tax the 1% and big corporations more. Your character may be on their side. That is ok, and I won't veto anything. My main issue is when actions involve hurting others just because they are different.


Room Sheet
Name of the Room: [Each room name is unique, so it cannot be something that already appeared in the novel. I try to keep the names short, but it's ok to make it something a bit longer like 'Timeless Jewel of the Forgotten Desert' or something like that, just don't go full on Light Novel with titles that are a paragraph long lol]
Room Theme:  [What is the theme? Something simple and recognizable for those who just got there. For instance, Dzyvery is the room of doorways, Boothudurn is the city inside a mountain, the Forest of Dreams is well the forest where dream spirits exist, Brinnefront is the purple forest inside a cave. Consider this like a pitch, a snappy description to sell the idea, not that you have to sell it, but it's just a quick way to remember what the room is like]
Room Level: [This will be the layer, but since I never posted a comprehensive list of which level is present on each layer, don't worry about that. Now just remember to be around Hera's range, or something that would make sense for her to go through. If she is level 30 and you say the monsters are level 80 or something, she can only go there if it is a peaceful place. One last thing, the monsters cannot go beyond level 91. That is the current 'max level' of the monsters in the MAZE.]
Room description: [This is a more in-depth description of what the room looks like. You can tell me the points of interest and what connects them, or just show me a few examples of things that you want to see there. You can tell me the cities and structures that will be here, but focus on descriptions, not history. You can make something a bit wild but still try to make it somewhat realistic. Rooms are still mostly bound by reality, but we can stretch that a bit, just not a lot. I'll help you with this if you want, we can talk, and I can ask some questions/make suggestions about the description.]
Room history: [Now you can tell me the history of the room. Did anything happen here? Where there people? If so, how did they die? If not, maybe there was a chance in the ecosystem, or maybe after some monsters fought, a mountain was broken. Maybe one creature became the apex predator, and it grew more than others. Whatever you want. I'll give some feedback on what is possible and what is not. For instance, a meteor crashing down naturally won't happen, but if it was a spell, that's a different thing. Just like the description, I am here to help you make this room yours, giving suggestions or asking questions about the place to help you get there. This is not something final, and you can make changes to the description based on the history and vice versa. If you don't want to make this, that is completely fine too. I'll send you a couple of options for you to pick from.]
Dungeons: [Now here you can go wild. Want to make a dungeon made out of cotton candy where you fight aliens on spaceships? That can work. Want to make a dungeon where you become an ant and have to work to feed the queen? Sure. How about one where you are an office worker doing their taxes… if you want that, you have some weird tastes, but sure. That can be a dungeon. Not a fun one, and people will probably avoid it, but it can still be there. Remember that big events that happened in a room can also create dungeons. So if there was a large conflict, or using the example from above, a fight between monsters that destroyed a mountain could create a dungeon on itself. It doesn't have to be something focused on combat either, maybe someone created a large farm, or there was a person who carved a path through the mountain. Again, you can come back here if you have a better idea later. Things are not final on the first draft.]
Extra stuff: [Let's say that you want something different about the room. Something that didn't fit one of the previous categories. This is the time to say it. Special things are a bit more tricky to fit in a room because that opens a precedent for them to be somewhere else too. But, if you have an idea, let me know. We can try something out and see if we can make it work or tweak it to be part of one of the things that already exist in the MAZE. If you want a monster to have a legacy, or for a legacy test to be present, that can also work.
HOWEVER, this will come with a lot more conditions. First, it cannot be a legacy that I already have prepared for a different character (I have a few characters with legacies already laid out. They may or may not have appeared in the story, and if the legacies overlap, I'll let you know.' Second, I'm not sure if this was ever mentioned in the story, but if whoever kills the monster/completes the test already has a legacy, the legacy you made will be assimilated. Basically, the skills and effects of the legacy will be transferred to the legacy they already have. For instance, if you make an Avatar-like Earth Bending legacy, and Hera is the one to get it, she will get some earth skills, but some effects might be lost in the process since her legacy focuses on something else. And again, this is something we will have to talk about. Legacies are supposed to be rare so I can't just add them willy-nilly to the story.]


Guide Sheet
Name of the guide
: [Pretty self-explanatory, but each guide has a unique name. So no duplicates, please.]  
The appearance of the guide: [What does the guide look like? They cannot be like one of the guides that already appeared, nor like one of the races that were already present in the MAZE outside of a dungeon. Aside from that, you can make the guide look like whatever you wanted, from animals, to monsters, to some odd mix. I'm not 100% opposed to having animated objects as guides, but they have to be interesting. I don't want to just have a plank or a teacup as a guide. One example is Ruma, who is a giant stone head that surfs. It was kind of based on the easter island statues. Another guide that never showed up in the story is the one for the Kobold Road. He is quite literally part of a wall that can move through the room. Just like everything else, if you have pictures as a reference, feel free to share.  
First impression: [What would be the first thing that you would notice when seeing the guide? Peaches is a green apple. Capri showboats a lot about himself. The kobold sisters are dancers, ]
The guide's personality: [How will the guides act? Are they friendly? Are they aggressive? What about Hera? Will they like her? Maybe they don't want anything to do with her after talking with her?]
The guide's connections: [Who will they talk to? Peaches? Capri? Who are their friends? Use only the guides that already showed up. Don't mention the guides that are still yet to show up. You don't need to say that if you don't want to, but that might be how they interact with the other guides later on.]
The guide's hobbies: [What do they like to do in their free time? How do they spend time when they are not talking with explorers? Are they obsessed with something or someone?]
Their hopes for the room: [What do the guide want for their room, if anything at all? Capri wants to talk to more people, so he wants more explorers to show up there. while Lodi just wants to get closer to Peaches, that's not to say she doesn't care about her room, but she doesn't have any goals about it.]
Extra stuff: [Do you want something else? Is there something that is missing from the options above? Let me know.]


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