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Hey everyone! Perizou here and welcome to the class about magic in the world of MAZE.

This is the first bit of world building that I wanted to share with you guys. In fact, this one was ready for months, but I was going to leave it in the wiki that I honestly don't know when I'll finish. So instead of just having it waste space on my hard drive, I'm sharing! Also I had a pretty version with different colors and stuff but patreon does'nt let me change color here. I'l make it a pdf file for anyone who wants to dowload.

Now, let's start off with the basics.


Mana is a primordial force that resides within every living creature. The use of mana to create otherwise impossible effects is known as Magic.

Everything that has mana lets out residual magic particles that can affect the world around them. That is why most rooms inside the MAZE have mana as part of the environment. It is only due to the countless years of constant exposure that the air itself has shifted and mutated to become one with mana.

In humans born outside of the MAZE, mana can only be acquired after having their first level up. After that, humans can gradually increase the amount of mana available to use inside their bodies. This is also true for other races, but to a point. They have to level up for the first time before having access to mana, but when they level up they already have it. Perks of living inside the MAZE in a mana rich environment. The same is true for human kids born inside the MAZE. They have a considerable edge over the rest of humanity

Some worry about the effect that mana could have in the world outside the MAZE, but experts assure us that it is impossible for it to have any effects since the doorways to the MAZE act as sinkholes absorbing all mana that might leak from various sources.



When mana is used to create a specific effect, it is called a spell.

Spells can take any number of effects. They can create something like fire or ice, change how a river behaves or is structured, heal wounds, give someone strength, or take away someone's power. The possibilities are only limited by our creativity.

There is one thing that might be a barrier to the use of a spell, and that is the amount of mana a spell requires.

Magic still is a victim of one of the most fundamental laws of physics. Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be converted from one form into another.

In theory, it is possible to create a star by using a spell, as long as one has enough mana to do so. Thankfully, or unfortunately, the cost of a spell is not decided by its creator. The System is who makes the necessary calculations to create the desired result.


Types of spellcasters

Today there are three main types of spell casters. Formula casters Programming casters Concept casters


Formula casters create spells by mirroring mathematical equations. Below, we have two examples of how the light spell might be created using this method.

This version focuses on sustainability, allowing the user to fine-tune the strength of the light.

Light = (Mana * Intensity)Element

This version focuses on brightness control even at the cost of a more expensive spell.

Light = Element * IntensityMana 

This last version shows how one could add a rotation to the light. Notice that you must have another equation for the movement before adding the final spell.

Radius = (posX)², (posY)² , (posZ)²

the pos X,Y, and Z refers to the position of the spell relative to the caster. X is left and right, Y up and down and Z front and back.

Light= ((Mana * Intensity)Element) MoveInside(Radius)

That is a two step spell. Or three depending on how you look at it. First you get range of your skill, then you create a spell that you will put the mana, focus on the intensity of it. Then the element and tell that light to move inside the Radius.
Forumlas are not necessarily absolute. There are many ways of reaching the same result. For instance, 1+3 = 4, 2+2 = 4, 2*2 = 4, 5-1 = 4, and so on.


Programming Casters use something similar to a programming language to create a spell. However, it is a much more logic-based concept than a matter of actual language.
(side note, This is also how I write code. Placing the brackets after the function is an abomination and this joke only works if you know a bit of coding.)

Utilizing the same light spell as in the previous example. We have here three possibilities.

This version focuses on sustainability, allowing the user to fine-tune the strength of the light.

Light spell (mana, intensity)
spellpower = mana * intensity;}
New light;

This second version shows how one could add a rotation to the light. Notice that you must have another function just for the movement before adding the final spell.

Light spell (mana, intensity)
spellpower = mana * intensity;
New light;
While( mana > 0)
         light.zrotation = light.z * spellpower;
         light.yrotation = light.y * spellpower;
         light.xrotation = light.x * spellpower;
         print light;

For the third version, we can show a more simplified way of using the spell

While light spell = active
spend 10 mana
Create light

Just like with formula there are many ways to reach the same result. 


Conceptual Casters use what is considered to be both the hardest and easiest method of creating spells.

Unlike the other methods, there is not a formula to the spell. They are created by their own perception of how the spell should work.

Unlike the other types, conceptual casters are unable to learn a spell using a compendium since they don't have commonly agreed-upon rules for a spell.

At the same time, once they are able to understand how they can unlock or change their spells. They have a much easier time coming up with new forms of Magic.

There are a few known ways that these casters create a new spell, albeit these formats will vary wildly between users. Some create lyrics or rhymes to form the spell. Others use incantations to tell their mana how to behave. There are those who can learn new spells by drawing them and using writing to get the same result.

We may never find out all the different possible alternatives since they are each unique to their user. But we can say that due to the lack of constraints, conceptual casters tend to develop the most unique kind of spells.


Spell Ranks

Spells come in several ranks. These ranks inform how complex the spell is and the level of mastery of the user. That includes not just the speed at which the spell is activated but also its strength and accuracy. Repetition is a way to improve the rank, but understanding the spell will result in quicker growth.

Tha ranks are:


The most basic rank of spells. Simple effects that have very few moving parts and that are very easy to replicate are all a part of this rank. Examples: Air Fist, Poison Needle, Light


Spells on this rank have a small degree of complexity and mostly consist of spells that mix two simple effects into one.

Examples: Grease Fire,


Spells that have a certain complexity, usually involving several moving parts. When the caster is able to change the appearance of a simple spell it can also be considered to be in this rank. Examples: elemental storms, large scale illusions, targeted restraints.


Spells that reach an enormous complexity or a simple spell where the caster can control even the more subtle functions reach this rank. It is possible to learn an advanced spell much like the previous ranks.

Examples: teleportation, regenerating missing limbs, programmed illusions.


If the caster becomes able to use the spell in a heartbeat and control the mana inside it to a precise degree, it can reach this rank. Repetition is also a requirement for the body to familiarize itself. Starting from this rank, the complexity of a spell is irrelevant for the rank.


When the caster can understand every step needed to create a spell and optimize that it can reach a master rank, it is rare for someone to have a spell in this rank, much less beyond it.

Grand Master

Spells that have gone beyond the mastery. Not only does the user have a near-perfect understanding of it, but using the spell is as natural as breathing.


Spells that have been perfected to a point where no one in history could go beyond it. A Timeless spell is at its most optimized condition and can be used in that form even when using the system's assistance. Some believe that one of the conditions to creating a legacy is to perfect a spell to this level.

There are some special classifications for spells that may break away from the norm. These classifications do not overwrite the rank, but function as an added category


Some spells are considered relics of old times. They were created using forgotten methods. These spells are mostly acquired as rewards for quests or dungeons. Ancient spells are not necessarily different from their contemporary form but might prove different insights on using a spell.


Legacies can come with unique spells. These spells are connected to the legacy and can only be used by the current legacy holder. The spells can break some of the common sense associated with magic, but the necessity of something to fuel them is an absolute rule.


When talking about elements in the context of magic, we are not discussing the natural elements of the world. Although things like fire, water, and air are also part of the classification, magic elements are much broader than one might expect.

The magic element is the core effect that will be used in a spell. It can vary from basic elements such as ice, earth, or metal to concepts and even actions. Magic can have shatter, growth, bounce, ball, rust, and many, many other elements. The possibilities are theoretically endless since no rule was ever defined for what can be considered an element. Even if the spell is derived from an element, the system might recognize the spell can be better optimized by using a different element.

Similar effects can happen by using different elements for spells. For instance, a buff called tailwind can increase the speed of the target by utilizing wind mana to both remove the air resistance and push the target's body. At the same time, a spell called gear shift can increase or reduce a target's speed by changing how its body behaves by using speed-based mana. 


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