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Hey everyone! 

To celebrate one year since the novel started, I commissioned a brand new cover art from a fantastic artist. 

I wanted to post this together with chapter 200, but there were some details that I forgot to check, and fixing them took a little time, but here we are! 

Before anything else, let me give praise where praise is due. The artist is LiaArt, and her skills speak for themselves. She takes commissions if anyone wants art for a project or just something really cool to hang on your wall. 

She's very understanding and patient even when you start nitpicking on details that no one else would mind, lol.

You can find more information about her here https://liart29commissions.carrd.co/

Her portfolio, rates, and any questions you might have are all there. I highly recommend her, and in the future, I intend to hire her for a few more projects.

Second, let me talk about the cover. Although this scene happened a long time ago, it has always been in the back of my mind. The reverence and strength portrayed by the stained glass in the Guild is something that I could never put into words. That's why I choose to make it a cover. 

Third, I wanted to give you guys a small update on a few things I talked about before. First, the wiki It's going to be called The MAZE Compendium. To both keep it on brand and just have a name, but it's going to be just a wiki. The name is just some flair. I've been having some trouble with completing this, mostly because its time consuming, and I prioritize the new chapter. But, if anyone wants to check it out, you can see it here


I'm going to be using notion because that way, I can make a free and a Patreon only version that will have some extra info and goodies (like characters playlists, maps of dungeons, and full character status) 

For now, this is just the free version, so those extras are still not available. But hopefully, they will be here soon. 

Right now, this is very empty. Only a few pages are up. I know I said that I wanted to have this done by late January at most, but well... life got in the way. Now I can finally focus a bit more on this without hindering the new chapters. 

There is one thing I want to say about this project. The characters will be more profiles than a full wiki page. I'll talk a little about who each character was before they appeared in the story, their personality, and things like that, but I don't want this to be just a cliff notes version. Also, characters like Hera would have a gigantic page if I would give a step by step of what happened as if this was the wiki of a tv show. 

Lastly, the remake of early chapters. Again time is the problem. Since I'm trying to make both the wiki and this, I've been struggling a bit. So I decided to focus on the wiki first and then come back and redo the chapters. I think this will work better since instead of having you guys wait for ages and both the wiki and this coming at once. I'll have the wiki being updated first and then this.

I apologize if the notification made you think, 'hey, new chapter!' I know this can be a tease, but I wanted to share what is going on with you guys. Also, and I know I say this a lot. Thank you all for all the support. You guys are amazing, and I hope you enjoy reading the story as much as I enjoy making it. 

See you guys Friday for the new chapter, and I already apologize for it.




This is awesome. Getting a lot of Legend of Zelda vibes


It wasn't the plan, but I take that as a MASSIVE compliment lol