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During that week, Hera also spent a couple of hours a day in the ATRs trying to get new spells. She bought the compendium for a paralysis spell and for a fear spell. The first one was easy to get. Hera just needed to create a projectile that would discharge an electrical current on the target to lock its muscles in place, almost like throwing a charged battery. The spell wasn't very effective when facing against something like the sprites or an elemental, but against beasts, it had a high success rate.

The fear spell was something different. It wasn't a projectile, but an area of effect spell. Hera never created something like that. The only spell that could get close to what her trainer used was her pulse. But the concepts clashed. When active, the pulse was supposed to be something that would send her back information about her surroundings. The fear would hit all the targets in an area and then apply the effect as if it was coming from her. Not only did it feel much more complicated to do an area of effect ailment, but she also was worried about her party. If they were in the way of the spell, they could become afraid of her, which would lead to problems.

Her attention was also divided between the fear spell and the attachment spell that Helena showed her. Inside an ATR, it was easier to create new spells. She never realized it before, but the structure of the training room made it so mana would become less erratic. Still, trying to change just a small piece of a spell wasn't easy for those who used formulas or codes, much less for a conceptual caster. By the end of the week, Hera still wasn't sure how she could change just the beginning of her poison spray and her party had other plans.

The group was once more in front of the underground forest entrance. They spent a week hunting bats and moles around the Carpon Caverns and felt confident with the new member. Bonnie had even leveled up once during that. She was still the lowest level member, being at level 4, but no one could say she couldn't hold her ground.

"We faced this challenge before and emerged victorious. I trust we can do it once more," Tom slammed his fist on his chest plate.

"I mean, I almost got my guts spilled out, but sure, let's call it a victory," Alex smirked.

"I'm so sorry about that, Alex. I should've been more careful," Hera stared at the armor covering the assassin's stomach.

"Don't you start with that. I already told you, again and again, to stop trying to make up to me. It wasn't your fault."

"But…" Blue pushed Hera to the side before she could finish speaking.

"Stop that. If you want to feel bad, do it after. Keep your head in the game."

Hera pushed Blue back but stopped talking. She knew her friend was right.

"Is everyone ready?" Runir asked. Receiving a positive nod, they all walked into the forest.

Since Bonnie would be doing it for the first time, they agreed to move straight to the boss. Only after they felt comfortable enough, they would go after Hera's and Alex's quests. The start of the dungeon was much like what they expected. Thanks to Bonnie's ranged attacks, it was easier to deal with the quick-moving sprites. Even when they evaded the spells, someone could follow it up with an attack, taking advantage of the more predictable movement. In just 35 minutes, they had reached the middle of the dungeon and their first rest area.

"How are you doing?" Hera turned to Bonnie.

"I'm ok. I think. The lights are just annoying. I get why they gave you a migraine," Bonnie rubbed her eyes.

"Speaking of which, let me take something for headaches," Hera pulled her first aid kit and took one of the pills.

"This is the only one you took today?" Runir asked.

"Yeah, my head started to hurt about five minutes ago. It's better to take it now, right?"

Runir nodded, "Yeah. These are over-the-counter medicine but still, try not to take more than eight a day. If you can, keep the doses 6 hours apart, but worst-case scenario, don't take more than two every two hours. The pills are pretty weak, but they can have some side effects, not to mention letting you grow resistant to them."

"Will do. Thanks, doc," Hera smiled.

Runir just nodded back. He seemed down since earlier that day, but before she could ask anything about it, Tom started to discuss strategies that they could use against the sprites. After the short 10 minutes break, they got up again and moved towards the boss room.

Before the final rest area a few minutes from the boss, they had to face a large force of sprites. They would come from all directions, even above the giant mushrooms. Last time, they had run to the cavern's corridor to create a funnel where only two people could be in melee range at a time. Since they had Bonnie this time, it would be faster, but Tom still wanted to attempt fighting in the open. Waiting for the sprites to come towards the tunnel could take a long time. Bonnie could also have some trouble using spells in such a narrow space.

The area was one of the brightest rooms inside the dungeon. Hundreds of mushrooms spread around the floor with over a dozen giant ones that glowed almost like strobe lights. The sprites emerged from their hiding spots and moved towards the group. There was more than last time, but Tom had warned them that this could happen. It was possible to lure the monsters by using mana and having another member who focused on spells could bring more enemies in certain areas. It was hard to see the small glowing spheres approaching, but by using her Pulse, Hera figured out a way to target them as they got closer.

Bonnie used her frost bomb, trying to make the sprites too heavy to float. The plan didn't work, but an unexpected result came with the attack. The glowing spheres grew dimmer, turning into shadowed spots contrasting with the bright background.

"Why is cold so useful?" Blue gasped as she noticed the monsters approaching.

"Because I think ahead. Of course, cold would help against light-based monsters. Light generates heat," Bonnie replied, throwing a couple more cold bombs around the area.

More and more sprites appeared. Doing a quick count, Hera could see fourteen of the monsters and their small tendrils heading towards the group. Trying her new Paralyze spell for the first time against something other than an animal, Hera flung the small green projectile. Unlike her poison needle, this one was larger and had a cylindrical shape. The spell flew towards one of the sprites, and when it hit, the back of the mana construct opened. Several streaks of what looked like electric sparks covered the small monster, making it fall to the ground. Hera targeted a close enough creature for her to attack, and as it hit the floor, her handaxe came crashing down on top of it.

Trying the same thing once more, Hera aimed at another sprite. The spell hit them without an issue, but the projectile fell off when the electricity was supposed to activate. It looked as if it wasn't able to stick into the monster. She had seen that happen before. There were two moments where the paralyze spell could miss. The first was when the slug she sent wasn't able to take hold of the target. The second was when the target resisted the electricity that came with the attack. Hera knew that there wasn't much she could do about the resistance aside from trying it again, but when the spell fell like that, it hurt her pride. She was able to make a copy of what the trainer had shown, but the simulation never had that problem. She had to be missing something.

"Hera, duck!" Alex shouted.

Hera replied by instantly dropping to the floor while two wind cutters hit something just above her head. The sprite got pushed back, and Hera got up, trying to hit it with her handaxe. Even after the impact, the monster was able to dodge her attack. Pulling up her chakram, Hera tossed it to the side, pulling it up towards the sprite. At the same time, she pushed forward, trying to hit it with her handaxe. The monster dodged the attack once more, but the chakram was able to nick it on the side.

Twisting her body, Hera was able to slam the side of her handaxe into the sprite, sending it flying to the side and slamming it against one of the large mushrooms. She followed it up with another attack, cutting the monster in half and opening a large gash on the mushroom. The cut was deep enough to make some of the mana inside the glowing fungus leak out. The hazy colorful smoke seemed to attract a few of the other sprites, allowing the group to quickly dispatch them. In those few moments, the 15 creatures were reduced to 5. Tom stopped moving for a moment and stabbed through the center of two of the remaining monsters. Blue grabbed one with both her hands and spiked it into the ground. Alex used her wind cutters to restrain a sprite's movements and finished it off with one stab. Bonnie created several small fist type spells and flung them towards the last one, overwhelming it with the sheer number of attacks.

In the middle of the barrage, Hera noticed one yellow-colored fist that had a more pointy appearance to it. With all the monsters dead, they checked their loot. Aside from the oddly shaped glowsticks, they got about 100 gold in total as drops from the sprites. If they sold it all, it could easily reach 300 gold. The stores in the city could use the glowsticks as materials for other items. Torches and flashlights, accessories, and glowing paint could be made from the glowing mushrooms that the sprites could drop.

Before leaving the room, Hera whispered to Bonnie, "Hey, is that cold thing true? Did you know it would help?"

"Don't tell Blue, but no. I guessed it would help against frogs, but I had no idea it would work here."

Hera chuckled as they walked towards another tunnel, "Your secret is safe with me."

Although it was much smaller, they dealt with one more group and finally reached the last rest area before the boss. Tom explained once more about how the bosses worked. Bonnie would face one for the first time. Hera and Alex made sure to tell her what to watch out for if they found the giant sprite.

They waited a while to recover their mana and stamina before heading to the boss' room. Bonnie was still worried about the fight, but they all assured her that they could just run away if things took a wrong turn. She took a deep breath before the group stepped inside the chamber with the large green pillars.

Once they entered the arena, the columns started to glow, turning into what looked like giant pieces of jade. The radiance went beyond the pillars and dripped up towards the ceiling. The trickle of light changed into a stream and then a river. Looking up, it was like staring at a waterfall made of pure white and gold light. Blue took out her tablet and took a few pictures. Her family wouldn't believe her otherwise, and now she could share it with them.

Hera stared at the scenery with tears forming around her eyes. She didn't care how many people had been here. This was the type of thing that made her want to be an explorer. The tales of impossibly beautiful places that defy all logic or reason. Now she knew they were not just fiction.

The middle of the ceiling became covered in a fog, and little by little, three shapes emerged from it, upside-down pyramids that seemed to be solid forms of the liquid that flooded from the pillars. As the creatures descended more and more, it became clear that it was, in fact, a single being. The pyramids merged as they touched, and above them, there was an elongated round shape, almost like the top of an egg. The creature came down and started hovering just above the ground. It was taller than anyone in the group, but not by much, and almost as wide as the stone pillars. The form shifted, and a pair of golden and silver wings appeared from its back. The wings looked off. It was as if they were made of metal to fit an ivory sculpture, but by a different artist. They had several lines that would be parallel from each other, connected by thin strings of light. The creature flapped its wings, showing even more of its mechanical appearance. They had no flexibility, only moving forward and back, each like a door being moved around.

Hera used her [Observe] before it moved or attacked the group.


Light of the forest (Light affinity) - Level 7


"Kind of obvious, but it has light affinity," Hera said in a hushed tone not to trigger the combat.

"Tom? Should we strike now?" Runir asked.

"Hold steady, my friend. If we attempt to attack it before the creature notices its brethren trapped inside the fungi, it will have a much better tactical mind. Anger shall cloud its judgment."

The light spirit started to move from one side to another, almost as if it was dancing. Little by little, the movements became more frantic until it finally turned towards the room's entrance. There was a pause followed by a deafening roar as the creature jumped towards the ceiling, slamming against the remains of the pool of light and falling to the ground.

The moment it hit the roof, Tom shouted, "Now!"


Aldous Russell

Thanks! I think "Not only it felt much more" would be better as "Not only did it feel". I think "that cold would" would be better as "cold would". I think "handaxe on the sprite" would be better as "into". "She flowed it up with" should be "followed". I think "to make... to leak out" should be "to make... leak out" or "begin to leak out". I think "overwhelming it by the" would be better as "with" "Did you knew" should be "know". I think "Blue picked her tablet" would be better as "took out". I think "whatever that was" would be better as "it". I think "The light spirits started to move" should be "spirit".


Thanks for all the help! I have to say, there are less mistakes than I expected. I reviwed this chapters in a sleep deprived state yesterday lol