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After seeing the situation, the guild healers rushed Bill to the intensive care unit. The wound wasn't much of a problem for them. After a couple of days receiving healing spells, he would be good as new. The infection, on the other hand, was an issue. It was a specialized kind of healing, and there was no one proficient with that around. The treatment would have to be with modern medicine, but he should be fine.

Once again, Mark thanked the group as they headed to the workshop to report back to the quest client. It was just a last formality before receiving the reward. They would get a measly 600 gold in total plus free maintenance repair for their gear for rescuing the crafters. That was all the other members of the workshop could muster to pay. Most of them worked in the MAZE but had families outside. Being a part of a workshop meant that they had a way to steadily raise their skills and levels, but the pay was far smaller than what they could make hunting. It was still much better than most jobs outside, but the difference wasn't as big as it was for Hera.

Ryan had already stopped by the building. According to Camilla, the crafter in charge of the workshop, he came in a hurry to grab something and left right away. Mark told her what happened, but there wasn't much she could do. In reality, she was just a supervisor. There was no actual power in her position, and since the gathering was something that the crafters did in their free time, there was nothing she could do about it. Mark argued that they were only there to complete the order for a client, but that order was made as a side deal where the people involved would be working after hours to make the items. In the end, the only thing that would happen with Ryan was a cut on his vacation days for the days he was missing from the job. The same would apply to Mark and Bill. The latter could have some days compensated after he got discharged by the healers, but that was it.

He gave her the eggshells since they were still needed for the order, even if they had lost the bonus pay for quick delivery. Mark could still help make the items, but he would get a share nonetheless. Bill would get his share too, but after hearing that Ryan was to blame for the delay and the entire situation, Camilla kicked him out of the project. Mark still needed some time to rest and recover. He should have stayed with the healers, but he wanted to let his co-workers know what Ryan had done.

They escorted him back to the guild, despite his protest, and talked about what to do next. It was late, and they were tired. One option would be to take the last boat back, but no one was in the mood for another long journey before resting. They decided to grab some hotel rooms in Brinefront and stay until the next day.

After taking a shower, Hera sent a text to Leo, wanting to make sure he was ok since it'd been a while they talked. Grandma Triss had sent another video. This time one of Hera's cousins recorded her while she was on a treadmill. The text also spoke about how, if things kept improving like that, Triss would start dancing classes. Hera loved that idea. Not just for the exercise, but now maybe her grandmother could get more friends. She's been alone for too long.

While Blue was still in the shower, Bonnie asked Hera to meet her in a pub nearby. She wanted to talk. It didn't take long for the two to find each other and order some drinks. After some small talk about the rooms and the showers' water pressure, Hera asked.

"Ok. What did you want to talk about? It sounded serious."

Bonnie downed her drink, "Look, I'm not good talking about this stuff. But you know when you guys started teasing me about liking Mark?"

"Yeah, were we right?"

"Not really. I mean, I do like him. He's a good friend. But I don't like like him," Bonnie rubbed her eyes while groaning, "I sound like a middle schooler. Look, I don't want to date him. He's a nice guy, and if he wants, I even can set him up with a friend of mine. She would love him," she shook his head, "That's beside the point. What I mean to say is. I think I know why I was so desperate when he went missing."

A server came with another round of drinks and some fries. Hera waited for Bonnie to continue, but after a while, it seemed like she wasn't going to speak, "Ok, and what was the reason?"

Bonnie looked away and mumbled her reply. The noise of the bar covering her words.

"Sorry I didn't catch that."

"I felt like you guys abandoned me," Bonnie replied a bit louder.

"What?" that surprised Hera.

"I felt like you guys abandoned me!" Bonnie said loud enough for the people at the surrounding tables to look around. She instantly regretted raising her voice.


"I know it's just in my head. We are friends, and no one has to stay close to me. But having you all stay in Hazelpond while I'm here on my own made me feel lonely."

"But you could have stayed with us. I mean, we offered you a room. Someone would have to share it, but still, you could have stayed there."

"I know. But I thought I should keep doing jobs for the order. And that I should keep researching since I'm a researcher."

"Your role doesn't force you to do anything. I mean, there are even healers that end up more than fighters than as anything else," Hera held Bonnie's hand.

"Tell me one healer that doesn't focus on healing," Bonnie rolled her eyes.

"Wildborn. Remember the one that showed up on the wall assault? I got curious and checked the information about him. He is a healer, yes, but he mostly fights in the frontline. He has some good buffs and area heals, but he focused much more on fighting. As a healer, he is ranked 300 and something, but he is on the low double digits as an explorer. All because he fights better than he heals."

"Really? That's impressive. Still, I think I made a mistake. I should have stuck with being a mage," Bonnie kept staring at the light pink drink in front of her.

"Yeah, I never asked. Why did you change? Before the test, you had already decided to be a mage."

"Because of the results. It said I had an A+ compatibility to researcher but only a C- as a mage. I kept hearing my father's voice, 'anything below an A is unacceptable.' Then I picked the one with the best rating."

“Having the shadow of your parents changing the way you behave is something I can understand very well. But what can a mage do that you can't?" Hera asked.

Bonnie stared at Hera with a confused expression, "They can fight better. Use magic more easily, right?"

"You already know how to use magic and change it. You said it yourself. The variation of the fist spells were all developed by you."

"Yeah, I took a look at how the formulas worked and how I could change the element. My learning skill helped me to figure out some things."

"So you have an easier time using magic because of your skill. The only difference is the lack of elemental mana, and honestly, sometimes synch feels more like a handicap than something to help. I mean, sure, you can hardly focus on one element. But if you fight something resistant to it, you are pretty much screwed," Hera ate a few of the fries they ordered.

"Still. A mage would be much better in a fight. I felt useless back there," Bonnie replied.

"That has nothing to do with roles. It's all about what you do."

"What do you mean?"

"How was your last week? What did you do during it?"

"I spent most of my days in the library using the books and the internet to do some research for the order. I worked out for a few hours every day too, and practiced my spells and mana regeneration," Bonnie went back to staring at her glass, "It must sound boring."

"It sounds peaceful but not boring. I bet you figured out some stuff, but what I wanted to say is - my week started off with me going back home and taking my grandma to the doctor," seeing Bonnie's expression, Hera added, "She's fine. Don't worry. I took her to a healer to fix her leg. Then I had a day just to rest and train my spells. Followed by two days hunting monsters in the Carpon Caves and learning how to operate as a team. Then we did a dungeon run, where I almost got killed, but Alex saved me, nearly dying in the process. Then another few days where we would hunt monsters to train. Do you see the difference?"

"Yeah, you guys can fight. I can't."

"For fuck's sake, Bonnie," Hera noticed the surprised expression of her friend, "The difference is what we focused on. You did research. We fought. We've been hunting almost daily ever since we went to Hazelpond. I probably trained even more than Blue and Alex, and both of them are still much better fighters than me. It's like complaining you can't draw but never practicing it. If you want to fight, come with us."

"Can I?" Bonnie asked.

"We'll have to ask the rest of the group, but I doubt they would complain. Blue and Alex already like you, and Tom seems to be on board too. He loved it when you started talking about knights. The only wild card could be Runir, but he's very chill."

"How do you deal with the fear? I mean, you almost died again. That is what? The second time ever since you came here?"

"I kind of don't. I mean, I'm scared, yeah, but when I start fighting, the adrenaline takes over, and I don't feel afraid," Hera took a look at her tablet. There was a message from Blue asking where she was.

"You don't get afraid?"

"I mean, I do. But it's like getting afraid of getting hit by a car. Like I know, I have to be careful when I cross the street, and if a car comes in my direction, I have to jump away. Still, I can go to the other side of the sidewalk when I want to, even if a car is coming," another message came from Blue. She was asking one more time where Hera was.

"Even when you faced the wendigo?"

"Even when I fought the wendigo. I was terrified but had to run, and don't get me wrong, the attacks hurt like hell. But if I stopped there, I wouldn't have seen my grandma dance or a forest of giant glowing mushrooms. Even if those things gave me a massive headache."

"Even if I go past the fear. Can I even join you guys? You are already in the next layer, and all of you have better skills than mine."

"That's a fair point. I don't know. I mean, the caverns don't feel to be that harder. But at the same time, we are stronger. Maybe we can do a test or something. Do you mind if I call the rest of the team? Blue is already freaking out, apparently."

"Sure, I mean. Just don't mention…"

"I won't. I promise."

"Thanks," Bonnie gave a weak smile.

Hera sent a text to the team, and in a few minutes, they had all arrived. Bonnie explained that she wanted to go back hunting but was worried about fighting in a place more dangerous. They understood her fear, but Tom was the only one with an idea on how to help.

"Say, noble scholar. What are your thoughts about a mock battle?"


Aldous Russell

Thanks! I think "modern medicine" might be better as "mundane", as magic is modern in this world. "on their free time" should be "in". I think "it's been a while" should be "it'd". "recorder her" should be "recorded". "she shook his head" should be "her". I think "and I'm here on my own" might be better as "while I'm..." "bellow" should be "below". "galls" should be "glass". I think "to say is. My" would be better as "to say is - my". "on the Carpon Caves" should be "in". I think "Still can go" should be "Still, I can go". "if the car is coming" should be "a car".


Thanks for all the help! I considered the mundane, but the term itself is going to be used for something else. Also, modern medicine still exists as a term in this world. Because it talks about medicine that is used with technology. Before computers, electronics and antibiotics, herbal medicine was still a thing not everyone could afford or had access to healing magic. And magic is considered ancient singe it was around even before doctors were a thing. Side note; I didn't know "it'd" was a thing. Contractions always felt a bit weird since in my native language we don't have them. I have no idea where the galls came from lol.