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"This is sooo annoying. Why is the line so long?" Blue kept complaining while they were waiting to go to the next room.

Hera and her friends had decided to go to the Carpon Caverns early the next day. Sadly, due to the high influx of miners, they were already waiting in line to cross over for 15 minutes. Blue wasn't the only one who was restless. Alex, Hera, and even Runir were trying to distract themselves somehow.

"Blue, we are all bored here. You complaining only will make it worse for other people," Alex said, raising her eyes from the tablet.

"I know, but still."

"Make yourself busy, practice spells, or help us look for information about the Caverns," Runir said. He spoke in a way that made it clear he was already feeling more comfortable around the controller.

"I don't have enough mana to keep practicing, and research is even more boring than waiting here," Blue complained.

"I think I can hear Bonnie screaming right now," Hera chuckled, "Watch a video or something. Treat this like the commute to go to the guild."

Hera went back to her tablet. She had already seen the area and focused on trying to get more information about it. According to the guild website, the Carpon Caverns was several times smaller than Brinnefront. It would take only 18 hours to walk from one edge of the room to the other. Considering that it would take weeks for someone to do the same in Brinnefront, the difference was massive. However, since it was a place made of several tunnels that could go both up and down, it wasn't impossible to get lost for several days in there. Their first stop should be in the guild. Hera didn't want to walk around without a full map of a place like that.

Spread around the room, there were several mines. Most of them were close to both the city and the entrance, but some were hidden away in the edges of the room. Each one of those mines was considered a pseudo dungeon. Every week they would be affected by a reset that respawned the minerals inside it. However, the number of minerals would vary from week to week. People who mined in there could also receive extra rewards. Breaking an iron vein could create some rare mineral, almost like killing a monster inside a dungeon. But since there was no entrance or quest, the mines were not actual dungeons.

There were only 3 dungeons inside the Carpo Caverns.
The Underground Forest, a place with several fungi and inhabited by fireflies and golems. It was a standard dungeon where the goal was to kill a boss monster. The Secret Tunnel was an escape from the labyrinth situation. Every party that entered it would appear in a random place inside that network of tunnels had to find the exit to complete the mission. There was a warning on that dungeon letting people know to prepare supplies for 3 to 5 days while attempting the dungeon. The last one was called The Flood. It was a dungeon that would lead to the exit of the caverns. The quest was about stopping the flow of water that threatened to flood the entire network.

Hera skimmed through that information. That wasn't the focus today. They had to hunt monsters around the caverns first to make sure they were up to the task. There were three types of creatures that they could find. First, there were giant moles. They could go from the size of an alligator to the size of a small car. There was also a blind variant that was considered stronger, but they were easily identified. If a mole had a star-shaped nose, it would be the blind variant. Second, bats. The smaller ones could be the size of an adult dalmatian, while the giant version could reach 2 meters tall. Hera pictured a bat bigger than her flying in her direction. That was a terrifying sight. The last type of creature was called 'Digger Elephant.' however, unlike the other monsters she had seen, they would be the size of a horse. To Hera, it was the first instance of finding a creature smaller than its regular version inside the MAZE. She really wanted to see them, but apparently, they had small numbers and kept roaming around the room. It was likely that her fight would be against the moles or the bats.

The group discussed the information they got when it was finally their turn to pass through the doorway.

"See you on the other side," Blue said.

The warm glow covered them, and the smell of the sea was replaced by the scent of still air and dirt.

"Oh, wow, that's awful," Alex complained.

"I don't know. It kind of reminds me of my home," Runir took a deep breath.

"I'm so sorry," Blue replied.

"Don't be rude. Anyway, where is your friend?" Hera asked as they left the doorway. The noise here echoed through the cave. Several men and women were carrying around large pickaxes and wheelbarrows going towards the mines. The reset had just happened, and people were frantic to take the best spots.

"He'll meet us at the guild. And before we get there," Runir made a motion for the group to stay by the side of the open cave, "Look, his name is Thomas, and he is... A lot. But he is a good guy, even though he is a bit weird. We meet in high school, and he was one year ahead of me, but we still got close. Some things happened, and I trust him with my life. But... well, it's hard to describe. If you guys think he is too much, we can part ways at any moment. No hard feelings, but I'm staying with him."

"Is he gonna keep hitting on us? Or be violent in some way?" Alex asked.

"What? No, of course not! He is a good guy. He's just... Really into knights," Runir tried to explain.

"Why is that a problem?" Hera stared at him with a puzzled expression.

"Yeah, knights are cool. Cyrus was a knight," Blue chimed in.

"Just... Keep an open mind," Runir said with a sigh.

"Don't worry. Even if we end up splitting up, everything will be fine. We might even meet Leo, the owner of the frog you healed," Hera said, trying to reassure the healer.

"Not really. He texted me a few days ago. The room where he is staying is not this one. It's still on the third layer, but kind of... to the side. We can get there, but it would take a couple of days of moving through doorways," Blue replied.

"Still, it will be fine," Hera said.

"Yeah, don't worry. Everything works out in the end," Alex nodded.

The group headed to the guild. The first thing they wanted was a map of the area, then the compendium for the monsters. When Hera went after the pangolins, she forgot to get the information for them. Facing monsters without any information wasn't something she was keen on doing again. They bought the map, but before getting the compendium, a voice rang behind the group.


Hera turned around and saw Runir walking towards a man in heavy armor with open arms, "Thomas. How have you been, man?"

"Very well, very well. Even better now that I once again am reunited with my brother in arms," the man replied with a smile.

Runir let go of the hug and turned towards the rest of the group, "Now, Thomas. These are Alex, Blue, and Hera. Guys, this is Thomas."

The man bowed to the three women, "It's a pleasure to meet you, my Ladies. You have my utmost gratitude for all the aid that was provided to my noble squire."

"Hey! Since when I'm your squire?" Runir shoved Thomas to the side, laughing.

Thomas was a tall man with dark hair that curled on the tips. Very well kept eyebrows that went well with his dark brown eyes and a chiseled jawline. He was wearing a bronze breastplate with golden engravings. There were a pair of pants with metal plates in front, but its backside was more open, covered only by the straps. There was a beautifully made silver rapier with a pair of lions chasing each other around the guard by his waist. Just like the rest of his armor, all the details and decorations were golden.

"Hi, nice to meet ya," Blue put out her hand.

"It's my pleasure," Thomas shook her hand, "I shall say, that is a mighty grip. Your enemies will crumble in your grasp."

"Thanks... I guess," Blue said, unsure if that was a compliment.

"Not a worry, I would be most grateful if we could have a friendly duel in the future. Nothing is better to know the strength of those by your side than a friendly spar," Thomas turned to Hera, "Especially with you, my Lady. The incredible warrior that bested the fearsome Wendigo."

"It was mostly luck and bad decisions," Hera replied. The way Thomas spoke was putting her off.

Seeing the reaction of the women, Runir stepped in, "So, let's go fight some things?"

Hera snapped out of her daze, "Oh yeah, let me just get the compendium."

"No need, my Lady. I bestow upon you the knowledge gathered by yours truly," Thomas picked his tablet and shared the compendium information about the monsters with the group.

"Are you sure? I mean, those are expensive," Alex said.

"But of course. You are all Runir's retainers. I must reward you for your service," Thomas wave his hand while pointing his nose up.

"Dude, stop that. No one is my retainer," Runir complained.

"What's a retainer?" Blue asked.

Runir stared at her for a moment, "Anyway, we have the compendium. Let's get going."

Hera walked with them, unsure what he meant by retainer, while Alex kept staring daggers at Thomas. They left the guild and headed towards the tunnels. It didn't take for them to realize that flashlights would be a necessity. Thomas made e few movements with his sword and started chanting, "May the spirits of light guide my path. Come forth, Floating Lamps!"

A set of two small globules of pale yellow light appeared around the man. Hera kept staring at him. Why did he need to chant? Was that spell so difficult that it required it? To her side, a noise caught her attention. Runir had just facepalmed and was now holding his head with one hand while groaning.

"Is he always like that?" Hera asked.

"Yeah, he is. But I promise he is a good guy and strong too. He won a few fencing competitions in high school," Runir tried to explain.

"Have you ever talked to him about that?"

"I did, I really did. But he said that it was wrong for a knight to act in any other way," Runir replied with a sigh.

"Did... something happened to him?" Hera asked.

"Not that I'm aware. His dad says it all started when he was a kid and read about King Arthur." Runir said.

"Oh, please tell me he doesn't believe knights are supposed to be like that. Sir Balin blew up a kingdom with a freaking lance," Hera replied.

"How do you know the name of the knights?" Runir squinted at Hera.

"I like stories about knights too, and I worked in a bookstore. Now is he that far gone?" Hera pressed.

"I wouldn't say far gone. He never pretended to be the reincarnation of Sir whatever, so at least he still is with his feet on the ground. But Tom is... obsessed with the idea of being a knight."

"Well... that is harmless. I mean, still weird, but harmless," Hera said.

As they walked, Hera noticed a large shadow moving in the tunnel. When Thomas's light revealed the creature, they could see the large body covered in thick black fur. The monster seemed to have no eyes and large claws in place of its hands.

"A ha! We have found our quarry. Now observe my brethren. I shall demonstrate how to defeat this mighty beast," Thomas said as he stared down the giant mole.

Before anyone could say anything, he dashed towards the creature. Thomas took a step to the side, stabbing the mole on the nose. The monster recoiled and pushed itself back, but Thomas was faster. He was already by its side. With another two stabs on the beast's head, the mole stopped moving.

"And that is how it is done. Any questions?" Thomas said as he cleaned the blood out of his rapier with a cloth.



The knight is great. To funny and there is no doubt that if there was a MAZE in real life lots of people would enter in character.