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Hey everyone!

It’s been a long time coming but my new story is finally getting started! And before anyone freaks out, MAZE is not going anywhere, it will still be posted 4 times a week like usual.

I’ll give you a synopsis of Energy Eater and tell what to expect.


It’s been 50 years since the fall, 50 years since the year of the Eaters. The last few members of the human race now live simple lives in hidden villages. Some are happy, some are not, but all of us know that our chapter in the story of the universe is over. All of us know the only thing we can do is to wait until the last human dies out. In one of those villages, Cassandra lives a happy and fulfilling life until tragedy strikes and her home is found by the Eaters.

Yet, in the middle of that tragedy, a flame is ignited, showing a new path for the human race. She found something called ‘System’, a tool that could increase her abilities beyond even her wildest imagination. This was the same tool that allowed the Eaters to spread and ravage the planet. With the System by her side, Cassandra embarks on a journey to find people who deserve such power and share it with them. This wasn’t a choice in her mind, but simply what she was meant to do.

Now, she had a way to fight back against the Eaters. Humanity had a way to fight back those creatures, and it was her duty to share that power. Making some friends along the way, Cassandra shares her gift with those who seem to deserve it. Even if, at times, she gets it wrong. With her new companions, she starts to fight the Eater once more, showing that now, humanity can not just defend their assaults but push them back. After decades of being their prey, they now had the power to be the hunters.

Will this spark of hope be just another candle snuffed by the wind, or will it be the blazing inferno of a wildfire?

What to expect:

A monster hunting story where the MC is the strongest human around written in the first person.

A mix of adventure and horror.

The beginnings of a System.

A MC that is morally gray and accepts that not all her decisions will be good.

I’m really excited about this story, especially since it evolved a lot from the first time I came up with lol.

Now, how is this going to work?

Today I’m posting first the prologue + the first 7 chapters for everyone completely free!

For the Golden Card Holder tier and up, for the next 10 days, there will be one chapter per day at 11 A.M.(GMT-3) This will not interrupt the regular MAZE chapters.

Then, after the 10 days, or in other words, on the 22nd of July. We will start the regular chapter release for Energy Eater. That should happen every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday at 10 A.M. (GMT-3)

For the Explorer tier, you will still be able to see all the chapters, but only after 2 weeks. In other words, on the 24th you will see chapter 8, then for the next 10 days you will have a chapter a day, and finally, on 1st of August it is the beginning of the regular schedule following the same pattern as I mentioned (new chapters on Tue, Thu, and Sun, at 10 A.M. (GMT-3)

Then, on the 11th of August. I will start posting the story on Royal Road and Scribble Hub. It will follow the exact same pattern and the Patreon, but be a month behind the Gold Card Holder tiers and up.

Another important note, as I mentioned before, MAZE is not going to stop. I’ll be doing both stories at the same time. That means 3 chapters per week plus the regular 4 for MAZE. This totals 7 chapters every week!

I’m not going to lie, that is a bit above my current schedule, so, if I realize I can’t keep that up, I’ll likely reduce MAZE to 3 chapters a week so I can have a bit of a break. But I still want to try keeping this pace up. Either way, I’ll keep you all posted.
The first 7 chapters plus the prologue are already live and avaliable for every member of the Patreon, including the free members.




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