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It's so extreme... it's barely legal.



Dr. Judge, Private Eye

Tempo T. Wrestling did a fantastic jorb here! Wouldn't mind seeing him come back again. I swear, EVERY TIME I see Shane Douglas on a card, I think, "This is it, this will justify the ego that Douglas has and the weird fandom he's cultivated," and EVERY SINGLE TIME: he pisses it down his leg in spectacular fashion. Starting to think he's just flat-out a legend in his own mind.


#1 film definitely wasn’t anaconda unless the us cinemas had a Time Machine. I’m about 99% sure that it would’ve been titanic Shane Douglas seems to be that guy from the town over who got “kicked out of school for fighting” but really his parents had to pull him out bc he was getting bullied And finally, Dave meltzer is a fucking clown. I couldn’t care less what terry funk thought of him. Yea back in 2002 he was fine. It’s 2023. He’s single handedly ruined the wrestling business by pulling the curtain back so far that you literally can’t avoid spoilers and backstage bullshit. I don’t care who cm punk gave a dirty look too last week. Let me just enjoy the wrestling you ducking pile of shit. Dudes mad he doesn’t have the brains or athletic ability to be a wrestler or whatever, so he ruins it for the rest of us. Fuck that clown. Wish he’d never been born. The world (particularly the wrestling world) will 100000x better when he finally dies 🤡🤡🤡