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It's a two-match show, but those two matches more than make up for it.




Osw gets away with copyright bc they present YouTube with proof that their show is transformative in nature by providing their own satirical commentary. A lot of people in jay hunters shoes probably would’ve folded the YouTube channel at this point but he keeps fighting despite the fact most of us would pay for their content. He fights to keep it on YouTube for us. Bc he’s a beautiful Irish king. Even made all of their paid content available on YouTube during the fauxvid times to make us believe the world was good. Jay hunter is my hero. He’s one of the reasons I love wrestling again. I’d die for him and osw Edit: dans particularly Taylor made for these reviews. Typically I hated hearing him review weekly Raws bc the dude just goes in random non sequiters at EVERY SINGLE opportunity. But for these retro reviews that’s the exact type of thing I’m looking for! I want to hear you guys thoughts on random bullshit. If something in the show triggers a memory share it bc I have the time. Fuck if I didn’t I wouldn’t be here. More Dan on these retro reviews plz

