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LUKE: We're back, and better than ever. 

And here's how it all came together.




Big mama and big dick baler love you guys and greatful yall can keep doing this. I do missed yall doing video games and movies stuff. Great stuff everybody

Brody Allsep

Not my first episode of GM Mode but my first BTS listen. Yeah it's something. Can't wait for the rest!

Adam Gallick

Holy shit... content!

Dr. Judge, Private Eye

Probably should have watched the episode first, but it was fun IMAGINING what all the new set decorations look like! It's the one time of the year when NRB and Wrestletalk collide (except for all those other times they do).


I, personally, appreciate that you don't just record and then dump a bunch of videos all at once. Having it be one a week feels slower but it also makes it way easier to watch and actually enjoy it instead of it just being a deluge that you barely pay attention to. But maybe that's just me not being a fan of the (for want of a better way of wording it) Netflix model of doing things and frankly never have been.


It all begins… again

Alan Griffin

This indeed was my first booking podcast, and yes, that was quite jarring lmao


I know you'll probably won't answer this but would you guys be open to adding WT/NRB people to the draft pools in future seasons. Would love to see Mr. Davis as a heel vs Babyface Sully for example. I'm fairly sure you have a big enough community that would be able to create these for you. Ofc you still need the traditional wrestlers as well

Moby Pimpdrop

I subscribed when season two came out, then unsubbed at the end. Not that I don't like the other content, but honestly, I'd pay £6/month exclusively for this show. So, SO glad it's back again.

The Amazing Cliff

I'm a newbie to the podcast but appreciated the goofy voice intro 😁

Dezaras Prime

I'm doing a three player GM mode with my brother and my son. I have 100,000 more fans than my brother, even more than my son. Yet my brother is number 1, I believe because he has more trophies than I do.