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PETE: Hello Pledgehammers!

It's time for WrestleTalk Behind The Scenes, with me, Luke and Oli (no Tempest this month), where we talk about behind the scenes stories from the past month of WrestleTalk HQ, and take the next step on the WrestleTalk Timeline - that being Luke being brought on full-time!

Hope you enjoy!

(Due to time constraints today and illnesses last week, it has not been made into a podcast version, only the video version this time. Back to normal next month, sorry!)






One day Oli will not break kayfabe with calling Tempest the wrong name.

Sean Furlong

Spoiler but you know you have made good Patreon subscribing decisions when content starts with “ what the clickyist part of your body”

Henrik Jansson

Will this come out as a podcast version?


PETE: Not this month, apologies. We're very slammed with making all the Christmas content, alongside Covid, holidays, train strikes and weather shutting down travel too it's been a busy old month! We'll be sure to make it a podcast as usual from next month though!