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PETE: Hello Pledgehammers!

In case you hadn't seen - the winner of the December 2022 poll for WT Extra was ROH Final Battle 2011!

Due to a combination of various bouts of Covid in the office, Christmas, various holidays, and weather complications, Oli was not planned for this month's episode (it was originally going to be me and Luke). However, because ROH Final Battle 2011 won the poll, we think you guys would want to hear what Oli has to say about the show (and about ROH at the time and his undying love for it), and doing an episode without him for this show in particular felt wrong.

So, instead Luke and Oli will still do the episode, but the episode should go live in the first week of January. This is in addition to the usual January episode that will go out at the end of the month.

Now we don't want you to feel like you're having to pay another month to get the episode, so anyone who cancels their pledge between now and January will still be able to access the episode. All you need to do is message us here on Patreon and we can send you a link to the audio. (Please don't message us requesting a link if you renew your pledge for January.)

So you'll all still get the episode, just a little later than usual. Thank you for your patience and understanding, hope you're all having a great festive period!




I'm sure others like myself completely understand Pete, it's not a problem 😊 Why somebody would cancel they're pledge over something so trivial is mindblowing 😅


PETE: It's not that we think someone would cancel in outrage, but everyone's finances can change (and sometimes very suddenly!), so we expect people to come and go from month to month. We just don't want anyone missing out for something they pledged for!

Jack Dolan (puckhead1994)

I appreciate the update on this. I actually have pledged because of the Monday Night War series and was going to pause my pledge hammer after the series for a bit due to financial constraints. This update really makes me feel good about supporting the content you all create, making sure people still get what they paid for. It is right, good, honest, and transparent. I can’t wait to be able to support you all again in the near future


Thanks for the heads up. Really appreciate all the hard work you guys put in for us...really a great value!


Oh I took it as you guys thought somebody was gonna quit in outrage 😅 yeah I understand the financial side of it 👍


Wow so 2 big retro ppv reviews in one month


Good call I'd deffo like to hear what Oli says about this one


I, like Jack Dolan (puckhead1994), am pledging for the Monday Night War. It's admirable in this day and age to actually give good customer service. Kudos to you!