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And I mean, folks, where's the lie?



Evan Pilon

Truly, where is the lie? This is definitely a Survival Series 2003 review.

Dr. Judge, Private Eye

Oh, lads. Do you not remember Vince's infamous backstage segment where he describes to Paul Heyman what he's going to do to ruin Undertaker? To paraphrase: "Terrorists are going to burn down the Undertaker's home...a gang of bikers are going to R*PE his WIFE!!"?? That was on TV, spoken into a mic, and I'd imagine scrubbed from the Network until their hands bled.

Steamed Ham Champion Dillon Haggett

The Team Austin vs Team Bischoff match is fantastic, just a shame Austin was bought back as sheriff a month later

Nick Ortiz

I finished this one as a regular 21 year old, I’m gonna listen to the next one a father, Jam that Jam everybody.

Gabriel LLanas

Is for the record when you buy a lot of soil for landscaping. It is sold by the yard. Lol