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LUKE: Hello Pledgehammers!

Things go really bad for me this week. Oh dear.



EARLY ACCESS: Monday Night War s02e12



Oh poor Luke


Great 4 1/2 star matches with bad logistics, looks like Luke is booking 2010 Ring of Honor


Oh dear…


If he had all the best logistics and terrible matches he would basically be Vince.

Joe Blvd

Yeeeeaaaah… Luke got me over here yelling “ADVERTISING PROMO!!!” Man… he’s really bad at this game.


Pete complaining about the tucker/orton feud not realizing he can book it again like normal


I've been rooting for you since the beginning, Luke, but this is really bad. I guess I'm going to have to throw my full support behind my man, the greatest charity owner/con artist in WWE history, Jive Owens.

Dr. Judge, Private Eye

I think this proves, at the very least, that the drama isn't scripted.

Patrick Eddy

When oh when will Luke get this game...


luke's only chance at this point is pete getting sick and tempest coming back as smackdown gm again

Steven Lobetti

Is Luke about to get the Baron Corbin treatment? Had no money this week, but according to the teaser, he is going to have all the money next week.

David Donaldson

Luke....oh Luke what have you done

Ash Miller

you should turn tucker heel and go against bate