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PETE: Hello Pledgehammers!

Here is WrestleTalk Behind The Scenes for November 2022 - where we talk about the behind the scenes goings on for the past month, and take the next step in the WrestleTalk Timeline.

We hope you enjoy!

Watch the video version here.


Ewan Macdonald

Hope to learn about The Squash and the finn Martin report in the next bot of timeline. Really enjoyed listening to them when I found WT in 2016

Adam Gallick

Sorry... a flippin 5er for a sausage roll?!

Misha Sumra

Excited to hear about the onboarding of the rest of the WT gang... Particularly Chopper. We all know the story of him getting hired live on-stream, but we never heard Pete's side of that, or the background details

Steamed Ham Champion Dillon Haggett

Shame Adams not on these because I like listening to him talk, but these are still great because Luke and Oli are on them with their amazing chemistry (no offence meant to Pete or Tempest). The People Who The Most About A Very Specific Wrestling Category and Survival Series games are so much fun because as a smartarse who spends and has spent a lot of time doing quizzes on title lineages, gimmick match participants and wrestlers PPV opponents I challenge myself to see if I can do better then the people playing and most times I do.