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Hi team!

We're going to record the M@ilbag show today!

For those new to our Patreon (welcome!), the M@ilbag is different to After Dark in terms of questions asked as these are more wrestling focused - i.e. topics you haven't heard us talk about yet or things from the past, present and future you'd like opinions on.

But, we also can talk about any old thing you'd like to know about us in an Q&A type situation.

So, get in your mailbag questions below!

On this month's show, Luke is away so Chopper Pete will be joined by Tempest! LIW!


LJ Mickey

How do you think WWE should use Shelton Benjamin? I always feel that he has been underutilized.


If you were a wrestler who would be your dream tag partner?


do you think there is space for a short-term buyout of contracts.... IE creative has had nothing for you for 6 months, you can leave the company? But say for only Middle / Lower Tier talent.

Glenn Dallas

Since it's an LIW show, can we do an LIW survivor series match? The two of you, plus two members of LIJ, vs four WWE opponents. What match would you want to have?


Do you think AEW would improve if Tony handed ROH creative off to someone else? LIW 444life.


Howdy fellas, if Tony does launch ROH TV show, whom would you like to see move from AEW or get resigned? I think Angelico would fit right into the Pure Title scene and bring back Jack Evans for TH2 and I think it'd be a winner


When roh gets a tv deal who from aew would you like to see move to roh full time. I'd love to see guys like buddy Mathews have a run over there

Matthew Moses

How come no one ever mentions the pipebomb/promo on the episode of Raw where Joey Styles quits WWE? It was 5 years before the Punk pipebomb and arguably better, especially considering the times and how relevant it still is today.

Sam Palmer

MY DUDES, long time listener, first time question asker! As someone who works in wrestling media like you guys, do you think writing about negative news a lot affects your mental health? E.g. the “brawl out” stuff, did you find yourselves not enjoying your work because the topic was so negative?

Josh Razauskas

Do you think AEW will ever do something similar to WWE with their PPVs where we can get all of them for a monthly or yearly fee? $53 with tax every few months is painful!